Title: Watermelon or cake?
Author: super_color
Contains: NEWS
Summary: Which is better Watermelon (that tastes best in summer) or cake (which everyone loves year round)?
*They kind of do look like a watermelon*, Massu thought.
Tegoshi had jumped on Shige and now Shige was struggling to get him off. All the NEWS members were wearing their theme colors for a dress rehearsal of their concert.
“What’s your problem? Get off,” Shige managed to say while pushing Tegoshi away.
“but Shige you complete me ♥,” Tegoshi said teasingly, “look we look like a watermelon!” Tegoshi proceeded to pin Shige under him.
“What are you talking about baka?” Shige kept on struggling. “Massu help me,” Shige yelled out.
Massu looked on. *They do complete each other. I like the pink part of the watermelon the best. Does anyone even pay attention to the green part? It seems kind of annoying… is it even eatable?*
“Massu!” Shige called out.
Tegoshi began to tickle Shige.
*…Yeah the green part really is very annoying…*
Shige screamed loud enough for the other members to notice both himself and Tegoshi. Koyama (terrified) ran over to Shige and tried to get him out of Tegoshi’s death grip.
Koyama finally yelled out, “Tegoshi would look best on top of Massu!”
“Eh?” Massu finally uttered. On top of me?
“Hai like a cake. Yellow bread and Pink frosting,” Koyama said.
*We’d look like cake?*
In a flash, Massu took hold of Tegoshi. Tegoshi had finished having his share of fun, and Shige’s torture was finally over.
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