(no subject)

Apr 03, 2007 01:16

Harry Potter fic.

Title: Twisted Logic
Characters: Ginny and Tom
Word Count: 465.
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: “I love you,” he tells her. The words, she now knows, are soft and sweet but deceitful and empty. Tom had made her whole. Tom had broken her. She wants to hate him.
Disclaimer: Own nada.

“I love you,” he tells her and his words taste like promises in her mouth. Like promises of new beginnings and love and not just being the little Weasley girl. She swallows these words as quickly as she can, scared he'll snatch them back if she doesn't envelope them soon. Soon they are lodged in her stomach, floating around and trying desperately to cancel out the feeling in her gut that says 'get out of here, Ginny. Get where it's safe.'

She ignores it, of course, like the dumb little girl that she is and she just narrowly escapes death when he reveals his true colors.

Those words don't taste like promises anymore. Instead they bleed of lies and ooze poison, contaminating her insides until she feels so claustrophobic she can't breathe.

Writing, even on just parchment, scared her for so long. She'd stare at the ink, expecting a written response to appear within moments. When it didn't, she felt simultaneously relieved and disappointed.

She wonders, even to this day, at the ripe age of fourteen, how someone so handsome and charming could be so callous and cruel. To charm her, to hold her and touch her and then try to kill her. Beautiful, but deadly. Smiling with such charm and grace that she didn't notice as he slowly breathed out venom.

“I love you,” he tells her. The words, she now knows, are soft and sweet but deceitful and empty.

“I hate you,” she always says back, because she won't do it, she won't go back to that place and she won't let him try to kill her. She won't be that stupid naïve little girl anymore. She can't be. She had to be strong and she had to be smart and she couldn't fall back into his clutches again.

It'd be easy. It'd be so easy to let go and slip away to her death or whatever he would have planned for her. It would involve no effort. But she'd fight... she would have to fight. She'd have to fight the ghost of him that had crawled under her skin and never crawled back out. She would stay where she was safe. Away from him. Always away from him.

She follows her instincts this time but still, she's unhappy.

“I love you,” the memory of him tells her once more, smiling in that same, vaguely sensual way he always had. The smile of a winner. The smile of Tom Riddle, the man, the boy, who'd be haunting her since her first year.

“I hate you,” she replies once more and she wishes with all of her heart and soul that she meant it.

harry potter, fanfic is for winners

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