i wrote this last night, so pretend like you're reading it then:
this may not be the most productive summer of my life, but hey, i'm still making things happen.
exactly one week ago, i was rocking out at bonnaroo. at this time in the night, we were either busting moves at a rave or watching john paul jones (!), ben harper, and ?uestlove bust moves on stage for the super jam.
these were my spoils from last weekend:
let me explain:
i MET paolo nutini, elvis perkins, martha wainwright, lily allen, spoon, and fountains of wayne. it took everything i have to keep that out of all caps... especially considering fountains of wayne sang 'hey julie' to me. personally. to me. a capella. this. is. huge. and spoon?! bring on the britt daniel! paolo nutini?! my first official celebrity crush wrote me a letter! i have pictures with a couple, but those are tucked away safely. huge i tell you.
exactly one day ago, i was resting up for my last day as a counselor at camp sumatanga, which is one of my new favorite places. i hadn't ever been before (i'm not even affiliated with the religion that sponsors it), but they put me in charge of eleven kids anyway.
these are my spoils from this week:
ooooh yeah. first one they've ever had. pretty much made my summer.
please take a moment to bask in the glory of this, because i've got a lot to share - especially since i met a handful of my favorite artists and temporarily got to be a handful of kids' favorite person. life is good and God is great!