Mar 25, 2008 13:06
I finally get to eat sweets. I even picked up some 1/2 priced jellybeans yesterday to help me indulge. And tonight, by gosh, I WILL have pie and ice cream at the Pie Pantry! It's been far too long. I'll probably pass on the coffee. :-P Might as well save money on that.
Sent out more resumes today, even one to my dad's company that's based here in the Ville! Worked on The Plan yesterday. I need to get more mss out too, but honestly, I haven't really found any other agents that would be a fit for me, and I'm trying to research that. I need to call my job possibility today and see what's up with that. ::fingers crossed:: This is why I rarely shower before Noon... I get on the comp and start working on shit. Which is good, but then so are showers.
I got a freelance check in the mail so woot! to that. Ooh, and my sister is probably going to visit me the weekend before Derby! Yay!
Money found update:
In my building's parking lot. It's probably been there forever. I'm surprised I saw it. I'm surprised I manage to spot half of the coins that I do.
Total for the year: $1.90 cents