Jan 30, 2006 07:01
I want to tell you a story about the mother of a friend of mine. She is christian and probably the epitome of what a christian is suppose to be. Well basically this said persons mother came from a very abusive home. It got so bad that she and her siblings left and broke off all contact with the father. Years later the father calls her out of the blue and says he only has a short time to live. This woman, after being brutally abused as a child and not so much as hearing anything from him took him back, called him dad, and forgave him for everything he did, while all her other siblings were no where to be seen. This is also the same woman who was raped, pointed out the same guy in a line up and watched him walk away a free man with out any convitions what so ever. This is the same woman who forgives the man for what he did and holds no grudge against him. Now I'm not a christian by any means in that I don't follow the specific principles of the faith, though I still am "religious" in some since. But this woman is definetly everything that Jesus Christ tried to teach. I'm not trying to make a sermon out of this, fk no, but of all the so called christians in the world, she is probably the only one who truly understands it's meaning. Forgiveness, loving thy neighbor, so on and so on, it's a thing that people forget now adays. We are all too quick to judge, too quick to hate someone for stupid little mistakes in their pasts. You should never hold someones past against them. Everyone fucks up, it's a part of life, it's something people learn from that ends up defining who that person is in the present. It's only when they don't learn from those mistakes that a person should worry. Honestly, I could never imagine myself forgiving the person who violated and took advantage of me, there's no way in hell. I'm just saying she's a true practitioner of her own beliefs which most could never come to being as true to their faith as her. Hipocracy seems to be the ringing theme among the christian faith, a product of an ever degenerate american society. Being "christian" has become a loose term in past decades and its true meaning becoming more and more ambiguous. Some use it as a way to hide away from the frequent vices of the week, meeting jesus christ on sundays, and meeting their local street pharmacist just before the weekends. oh k....strike that last line, that's not completely true. That last line sounded like something out of a chuck Pulanick book....I don't even know where I'm going with this anymore, I'm tired, and it's 630 in the morning. I guess what I really need to say is that if you follow a religion you shouldn't be a hipocrite about it.......like... being a racist christian, that's right arkansas and alabama you baptists gotta change. And really in my opinion none of the religious labels matter anyway, they are just another dividing line that keeps us all separated. As long as we are all good people to eachother and lead good lives, it shouldn't matter what happens when we die. It shouldn't matter if your christian, catholic, muslim, hindu, budhist, jewish, or whatever we should all be able to treat eachother with the same respect and dignity as you would anyone else without impeding on anyone's beliefs. It's only when we Hate and instill those seeds of Hate in future generations that it eventually engulfs us all - Me