My first reaction when I saw this was like jhsdbjhasdbc omg kyungmyeon fic, yay. Then I saw how long it was and I got even more excited. OuO
Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed. Actually, I started reading this last night, but then my internet got cut off and I couldn't load the next part and I was just whining and sobbing because you cut it nicely at such a heartbreaking part. The first part was adorable, like really adorable, but I just love the second part. I actually cried when Joonmyun was telling Kyungsoo about how he tried his best to make him listen. ;~;
This story is just so nice and sweet, I love it so much. *u* Of course baekyeol was a nice touch. And Thehuna, we can't forget that adorable child and hith even cuter lithp. OuO
just so you know, i will now love you forever for writing kyungmyeon orz
I reckon your friend's a Sehun stan. I... have no bias. OTL
Me too, but they've been sort of lying low these days. They've been caught together in pictures but only in the background. Sneaky brats. XD
want to write a kyungmyeon fic but i still have a taoris fic and a baekyeol fic to write orz i'm friending you, y'know, just because you wrote this and we practically have the same ships
she's a huge Sehun stan, and she practically hates it when I say i love all of them. she's like "gtfo my thehun-ah biatch". and she loves krisyeol with a passion, and i really dislike that pairing sobs
i'm trying to contact my cousin through her mother (my aunt) on facebook. they live in LA, and her mom told me she was going to smtown and i literally freaked out while we were skyping omfg. i'm msging my aunt like crazy and she isn't replying and i'm caPSLOCKING HER COS I NEED FANCAMS AND AUTOGRAPHS AND TSHIRTS AND STUFF OK
and please, for the love of god, be my friend because i love taoris and hunhan and baekyeol and kyungmyeon.
I don't really dislike krisyeol but of course, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are just so honest about their relationship, I can't help but ship them. orz
They live in LA. She's going to smtown. I can't even describe how jealous I am ugh. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY KEEP HARASSING THEM 'TIL THEY GIVE YOU LOTS AND LOTS OF FANCAMS AND MERCH, YOU GO GIRL
and i might have followed you on twitter but lol i'm glad someone who has those four as primary ships, especially kyungmyeon, yes OuO
um wtf you're filipino?!!?!?! i'm filipino too omfg
and i agree, baekyeol is a precious pairing because their just so cute together, especially when chanyeol said something about him and baekyeol being in a lovers' relationship. i know it's fanservice and probably just a joke, but there's always truth in jest. ;n;
be prepared for nonsensical, illiterate spazzing between me and my friends
I'm from Quezon City. You? OuO and where do you study too omg
Especially baekyeol. Those two just seem like they'll be the best in variety shows, me iz excited. OuO
i have lots of friends on twitter? peeps from school who also like kpop, bless their souls orz i'm pretty much shy at first irl, only gorgeous korean and chinese men can get me talking so much to a person i've met for the first time lol
I'm relocating to ilo-ilo on May 25~ I'm going to UP Visayas for college hehe
and i think baekyeol will do great in variety shows! i wish they would have WGM yaoi version lol g a y i would totally watch that
omg there's this cute chinese guy near my apartment in ilo-ilo and he has a business in retail. he's 18, and he left China to become a businessman in the philippines and he's totally hot omg. and i wish i could make friends on the internet. i'm totally very awkward and i kinda seem bitchy at first but i'm really shy on the internet. i d k why lol
I would love to see Thehuna acting with his lisp. or maybe they should do hello baby, i would totally laugh at their derp selves trying to be dads
you lucky person you, ugh, wish i could say the same about my neighbors, they're all in elementary. orz so are you friends already or do you still need to make a move because he's really young and desirable omg. but you're adorable D: i swear, idk though, try bbuing bbuing and we'll know. OuO
wow UPD~ what course are taking up? and what year are you?
well, i sort of met him by accident when i was pushed by one of my cousins into his shop. he was surprised, because he was just about to close shop, but my asshole beloved cousin said "he needs new shoes~" and the Chinese guy probably understood. he told us to pick from the display in broken English (he said "xuan ze. xuan ze outside. the outside") and i understood that one word, and i did, punching my cousin in the balls. i then pointed to the ones i wanted, and he like ran out to some back room and brought a brand new pair. he told me to sit down and he totally like took off the shoes i was wearing and put on the new ones (they were high cut converses, so it took some time to lace them up), and i said i would take them because gdi he was so cute while smiling at me and saying something in mandarin that i
( ... )
Um. ECE. I'm a freshie. OTL I'm still nervous about having to go from building to building and my sched sucks because I have to spend three hours a day doing nothing.
AND CHANYEOL WILL SCARE THE BABY W/ HIS CREEPY DERP FACE AND WE'LL FINALLY GET TO SEE KYUNGSOO UMMA COOK ;~~~;I like how you punched your cousin in the balls. OuO Omg, he took your shoes off for you, how adorable and gentlemanly ugh. I totally would buy the shoes too, so that he'd think I'm super nice and that I have good taste and so he would talk to me. OTL
( ... )
I'm taking Accountancy, so I'm in the College of Management, which is in the city campus. (thank god, 'cause the college of arts and sciences is in like some weird forest in the middle of nowhere). omg ECE that's full of math and my brain kind of mlafunctions when ppl talk about tangents and cosines and *brain fizz*
I have seen some of my classmates during the physical examination day, and they look mostly like I do, in a sense. Some of them actually look like snobs or something (people in Ilo-ilo are unbelievably rich. Like my godmothers and fathers from there have like, mansions with swimming pools), but they're mostly nice.
and he has this korean-ish sort of look to him. i mean, he has large doe eyes. he sort of looks like he's scared or confused most of the time lmao
Scrabble? ;A; is there a scrabble class or smth. We don't have our schedules yet, only the list of classes ;n;
Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed. Actually, I started reading this last night, but then my internet got cut off and I couldn't load the next part and I was just whining and sobbing because you cut it nicely at such a heartbreaking part. The first part was adorable, like really adorable, but I just love the second part. I actually cried when Joonmyun was telling Kyungsoo about how he tried his best to make him listen. ;~;
This story is just so nice and sweet, I love it so much. *u* Of course baekyeol was a nice touch. And Thehuna, we can't forget that adorable child and hith even cuter lithp. OuO
just so you know, i will now love you forever for writing kyungmyeon orz
and i'm happy you're not disappointed~
thank you for reading! <3
and i love 'Sapiosexuality' btw
Aw, thanks. OuO <3
just because i like reading other comments, i saw that you'll be writing more kyungmyeon, may i just say m a r r y m e lol
and i really like hunhan ok sobs <3
kyungmyeon is my marijuana ok lmao i do i do i do i do i do
Me too, but they've been sort of lying low these days. They've been caught together in pictures but only in the background. Sneaky brats. XD
want to write a kyungmyeon fic but i still have a taoris fic and a baekyeol fic to write orz i'm friending you, y'know, just because you wrote this and we practically have the same ships
i'm trying to contact my cousin through her mother (my aunt) on facebook. they live in LA, and her mom told me she was going to smtown and i literally freaked out while we were skyping omfg. i'm msging my aunt like crazy and she isn't replying and i'm caPSLOCKING HER COS I NEED FANCAMS AND AUTOGRAPHS AND TSHIRTS AND STUFF OK
and please, for the love of god, be my friend because i love taoris and hunhan and baekyeol and kyungmyeon.
They live in LA. She's going to smtown. I can't even describe how jealous I am ugh. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY KEEP HARASSING THEM 'TIL THEY GIVE YOU LOTS AND LOTS OF FANCAMS AND MERCH, YOU GO GIRL
and i might have followed you on twitter but lol i'm glad someone who has those four as primary ships, especially kyungmyeon, yes OuO
and i agree, baekyeol is a precious pairing because their just so cute together, especially when chanyeol said something about him and baekyeol being in a lovers' relationship. i know it's fanservice and probably just a joke, but there's always truth in jest. ;n;
be prepared for nonsensical, illiterate spazzing between me and my friends
And Chanyeol ships hunhan too, omg. Baekyeol has enough potential to not be just a joke and half true. OuO they're real in every fan's heart
my friends and i do that too, i don't know if you saw my tweets but, yes, most of the time, i only talk about kpop, sometimes school, but. yes.
i wish they'd appear in variety shows soon. i need to see more of their personalities ;n;
i only have two friends i talk to on twitter. i'm pretty much an awkward loser online, even though i'm very sociable in real life l m a o
Especially baekyeol. Those two just seem like they'll be the best in variety shows, me iz excited. OuO
i have lots of friends on twitter? peeps from school who also like kpop, bless their souls orz i'm pretty much shy at first irl, only gorgeous korean and chinese men can get me talking so much to a person i've met for the first time lol
and i think baekyeol will do great in variety shows! i wish they would have WGM yaoi version lol g a y i would totally watch that
omg there's this cute chinese guy near my apartment in ilo-ilo and he has a business in retail. he's 18, and he left China to become a businessman in the philippines and he's totally hot omg. and i wish i could make friends on the internet. i'm totally very awkward and i kinda seem bitchy at first but i'm really shy on the internet. i d k why lol
I would love to see Thehuna acting with his lisp. or maybe they should do hello baby, i would totally laugh at their derp selves trying to be dads
you lucky person you, ugh, wish i could say the same about my neighbors, they're all in elementary. orz so are you friends already or do you still need to make a move because he's really young and desirable omg. but you're adorable D: i swear, idk though, try bbuing bbuing and we'll know. OuO
well, i sort of met him by accident when i was pushed by one of my cousins into his shop. he was surprised, because he was just about to close shop, but my asshole beloved cousin said "he needs new shoes~" and the Chinese guy probably understood. he told us to pick from the display in broken English (he said "xuan ze. xuan ze outside. the outside") and i understood that one word, and i did, punching my cousin in the balls. i then pointed to the ones i wanted, and he like ran out to some back room and brought a brand new pair. he told me to sit down and he totally like took off the shoes i was wearing and put on the new ones (they were high cut converses, so it took some time to lace them up), and i said i would take them because gdi he was so cute while smiling at me and saying something in mandarin that i ( ... )
AND CHANYEOL WILL SCARE THE BABY W/ HIS CREEPY DERP FACE AND WE'LL FINALLY GET TO SEE KYUNGSOO UMMA COOK ;~~~;I like how you punched your cousin in the balls. OuO Omg, he took your shoes off for you, how adorable and gentlemanly ugh. I totally would buy the shoes too, so that he'd think I'm super nice and that I have good taste and so he would talk to me. OTL ( ... )
I have seen some of my classmates during the physical examination day, and they look mostly like I do, in a sense. Some of them actually look like snobs or something (people in Ilo-ilo are unbelievably rich. Like my godmothers and fathers from there have like, mansions with swimming pools), but they're mostly nice.
and he has this korean-ish sort of look to him. i mean, he has large doe eyes. he sort of looks like he's scared or confused most of the time lmao
Scrabble? ;A; is there a scrabble class or smth. We don't have our schedules yet, only the list of classes ;n;
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