Title: Shake Dem Bones Author: Sunspot Rating: PG Note: A tiny fic I posted in Evilchuckles' comments the other day, after she referenced chicken feet.
Fandom: Saiyuki Title: Transform Author: Sunspot Rating: PG 13 Note: Conceived of and written on my thirty minute train ride home from my students’ commencement tonight. Sometimes these things just . . . happen. (ETA) I wanted this story to be a gift for someone but I didn't know who would love it. My inklings were confirmed: this story is
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Fandom: SherlockBBC Title: It’s Christmas! Author: Sunspot Rating: PG Note: Thank you to Evilchuckles for Britpick on (as ever) short notice. Advent Challenge day 18.
Fandom: Saiyuki Title: Christmas Cake is Not as Good as Cicadas Author: Sunspot Rating: G Note: For Laurose, who is fond of Jeep. Advent Challenge day 15
Fandom: Peanuts Title: Nowell, Nowell, Nowell Author: Sunspot Rating: G Note: “Nowell” is a spelling of “noel” sometimes seen in old carols. With get well wishes for Ddraigcoch.
Fandom: Live Free or Die Hard (Die Hard 4.0) Title: Bitch, bitch, bitch . . . Author: Sunspot Rating: PG 13 Note: Advent Challenge day 13 story. Er, apologies for the b-word. Um, it's as in complain.
Fandom: Star Wars Title: Winterbirth Fair, Skhokh City Author: Sunspot Rating: PG-13 Note: Excessive sugar. In all senses. For the Advent Challenge. And for Evilchuckles, on behalf of the Tree People’s Anti-Defamation League
Fandom: Sherlock BBC Title: The Veldt, in Snow Season Author: Sunspot Rating: PG Note: 10th night Advent Challenge posting. Thank you to the redoubtable Evilchuckles for a gracious (and before work!) Britpick on short notice. ETA: as of 1/23/11, now in past tense!
Author: Sunspot Prompt: Brother Clement/Wujing: Mood Rating: PG Note: The delightful Evilchuckles was in need of fic distraction, and I wrote her a posy of ficlets. This is one of them. 1830s frontier US Saiyuki AU