Dance dance, we're falling apart to halftime

Feb 01, 2006 18:45

I deleted my last entry. Even though I told myself that I would never never delete an entry (because I guess each one is significant on its own?), I guess that last one wasn't really important anyway. It just served as an outlet. And things are better, sort of. Life will go on.

TiBBY: *copying and pasting from the comment I left in Tibby's Blurty...and taking some stuff out and adding some stuff in, so YES, you should read this* I love how you love everyone and you try to make everyone happy. I love that you listed whole paragraphs of good things about people, and I'm glad you started this whole thing. I love how you call randomly and say "I'm bored, let's go somewhere", and we'll go somewhere. I love that you can DRIVE!!! I love your music (Hairspray, anyone?? :D) and I love how you opened my eyes to the world of musicals. I love your gorgeous voice and vibrato (it's SO GOOD!). I love how we're weirdly the same sometimes; it's crazy. I love that we have English together and randomly laugh with each other!! I love how you battle bad things by laughing them off; that's really great advice. I love how you introduced us to the Sisterhood. I love how you are just open to so many things, and I love that you introduce me to them - needless to say, you got me thinking about colleges and who I want to be and finding myself and important stuff like that. I love how you are my rock - you just sort of ground me and tell me that things will be okay...I love that you're ALWAYS there for me whenever I need you and that you always try to help me out. I love how you can think things through for me when I can't, and you gently suggest how I can work things out. I love how you are so amazing at history and how you can pick up on things (both academic and emotional) really quickly. I love how after history, we'll walk together in the halls and talk about how funny Mrs. Head is, in a good way. I love your hair. It's gorgeous. But above all of these things, I love how you can just give so much love to the world, and I love that you are always smiling and you bring happiness to everyone...and I love how much you've changed me for the better. :) <3

CARMA: I love your wonderful randomness and your weird habits like "SORry" and your drunken dance and stuff. I love how you do weird dances like "OOH! *jumps around*" :D You are just so adorable in that really weird way. I love camping with you! I love doing my chemistry homework with you, because you're always so patient to teach it to me. I love how you hold in your sneeze and I rejoice every time you don't. HAHA. I love how you can always make me laugh. We go soooo far back, it's crazy. I love that you befriended me within one week of my coming to Doerre and I love that we've been best friends ever since (yes, there have been some rocky times, but our friendship has pulled through and that's what matters!). I love our Color Guard memories. :) That summer will never be forgotten! I love how you know all of my little quirks, and I yours. I love how, on my 15th birthday, you ran late, but instead of dressing up in TLCness, you just threw on the first thing you saw because you didn't want to be late for my locker wrapping. I love when I come to you with all of my problems, you break it down into smaller chunks and then tell me to calm down - it's just what I need sometimes. I love that you're always there to give me a hug and tell me that things will be okay. OMG I absolutely love being at Life Night with you and being loud and laughing with you! Sunday nights with you are THE BEST. Hahaha. I love that you always look so put together all the time; your style is gorgeous! ;) I love how when you get paid for babysitting and we go out, you insist on paying. I love that we're so comfortable with each other because we go waaay back. I love when you mess with my hair and screw it up by putting too much hairspray in it or tightening my ponytail too much. Haha. It's always fun to yell your name while laughing and trying to undo whatever you did to my hair. :D I love how you're always there for me, no matter what, and that we're still best friends. <3

LENA: I love how free and happy you are. I love how you can be so optimistic, even when things look bad. I love how you share the funny little weird things with Tibby with us, like your couplets and motivational speech and cute things like that. I love how you come over all the time and I get to fatten you up with junk food. And when I come over, I get to eat obscene amounts of healthy food. I love how you're with me in BETCC and JETA and the Sisterhood! I LOVE HOW EASILY AMUSED WE GET and how no one else is exactly like us!!! Haha. Like the binding machine thingy...dude that was AWESOME. I love how when I used to have B lunch and there was a precal test that day, we would ask Lizzie and Vincent how hard the test was and then walk down the hallway, arm in arm, and laugh drunkenly. I love how I can tell you anything and you would just listen and relate. I love that I can call you at like 1 AM and leave a really long voicemail. I love that I can relate to you when it comes to clothes because we're skinny AND tall so we can never find anything that actually fits. Haha. I love that you're quiet and serene (most of the time!) and that when we're together, we balance out (like in BETCC!). I love sleeping over your house, even though I'm much too loud at 2:30 AM. And I love staying awake with you on sleepovers, even though both our moms don't appreciate it. I love how when I'm going through a bad time, you'll give me lots of hugs and lots of smiles. It helps! I love that your locker is right next to mine and I love how I see you at my locker lots of times! I love walking with you from breakfast to our lockers to first period, and then from first period to the courtyard every day. I love that you have routines that you actually stick to! LOL. I love saying "LOL" and "haha" with you, and I especially love how our AIM conversations consist mostly of "HAHAHAHA!" I love being random with you. <3

Yay! So there, for the Sisterhood. More later, I promise, but homework calls!!!
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