
Feb 09, 2008 05:00

Author: Leo Shima
Fandom: AU-Crossover // Yotsuba& x Kingdom Hearts
Pairing: Yotsuba & Demyx
Rating: PG because it involves love and high school students.
Author's Note: I've decided to put the AU ficlet made by khibee before my ficlet. It makes more sense that way. Basically it's a future!AU-verse that involves Yotsuba and Demyx having grown up together next door to each other. Demyx is graduating before Yotsuba.. but refuses to let go until he's confessed feelings that have long since begun.

It's the start of a brand new day. A new morning. The sun is just starting to peek over the horizon, awaiting a later hour to make its daily rise. School will be starting soon, and a certain novice musician already knows he's going to be late. His books are, for once, neatly stacked on the breakfast table, ready to be hurriedly grabbed up and carried off to his last day. Now, if he could just fill his stomach fast enough, he could be on his way.

The self-proclaimed guitarist, Demyx, is waiting for his toast now, the dial set to five as he hopes it won't burn this time, grabbing the butter from the fridge with an antsy twitch in his legs. He's been up for two hours and it's only just now getting light outside from what he can tell, but his feet and his calves and his hips-- his entire body would not stop moving.

It has a good reason though, or at least, he sure thinks so. In reality, the messy-haired youth isn't really sure he wants the end of the year to come. The work had been a drag, of course; how he hadn't failed was really beyond him. Too many nights of karaoke, too few studying... But somehow, it seems he's still made out well in the end, because he's graduating this year. Today.

The awful fact of the matter was, she wasn't.

They're different years, is all. Something fate decided on long ago that's simply become an unchangeable detail in their lives. 'She' was Yotsuba, the pretty green-haired girl next door who was like a ray of sunshine herself, always full of energy, always ready to lift everyone's spirits; to just have fun and enjoy life. It seemed something like a personal theme of her own, in a way. She was the type of person who, if anyone, you just could not be sour around, and yet lately, Demyx has been acting like he was exactly that, and feels terribly guilty for it.

He doesn't want to leave her behind. She'd always be next door, ready to hang out after school, but... Those short walks of theirs on the way there, tangled up in scarfs on cold winter days together, getting an ice-cream on the way back in the summer, laughing about something pointless that had happened that day... It's little things like this he's not ready to lose yet. He doesn't want to grow apart.

"...Uh, maybe I shouldn't--"

Amidst all this time wasted by his boyish worries, the toast finally springs up, for once, a nice golden color. Demyx grabs the top of a corner, tossing it on the counter with an "ouch!" from the heat, and smears on a few chunks of butter.

Now, he just has to get through the day without letting on anything that...he doesn't want Yotsuba to know. They're supposed to walk to school together again today, like always, but there's a horrid amount of hesitation in every lift of the blond's feet, and his mind is still racing. Today isn't like every other day. And today isn't just the end of the school year, either. With a now-cooled piece of toast hanging from his mouth, already half eaten, Demyx anxiously scoops up his text books and stares down at the envelope that's resting on the very top of the stack, signed in messy cursive to a very special girl.

His face flushes, a bright red color spreading over his cheeks.

He'd made a promise to himself months ago, and today was the day. It had to be. He'd let Yotsuba know just how much she's meant to him all along.


All day, she had been reading the clumsily written letter that she had recieved. Yotsuba remembered every detail clearly in her mind that led up to that moment.

She and Demyx had walked to school like normal; it was the last day they would be able to go to the same school. The clover girl had known the day would come when they'd be seperated by school, but, she had always been grateful for the musician-next-door. Her best friend since childhood -- her confidant -- her partner in crime.

To see him graduate was the best feeling she had and she was proud of Demyx for doing well.

Of course, on the way to school she had mentioned it. Smiling brightly as ever as they turned the corner onto the large bridge on their path to school.

"I can't believe I'm graduating. I'm getting cold feet, Yotsuba! I mean, it'd suck if they decided to take my diploma away from me on the stage!" Demyx had complained half-jokingly. Yotsuba had stopped in her pace to school (which in turn made him stop) and stared at him with her face scrunched up in an playful but annoyed expression.

She had reached forward and grabbed him tightly by the hand and bounded forward, laughing as she raced across the bridge with him trailing behind her, "If you're gonna get cold feet, I'm gonna just hold your hand and pull you across the campus until you get that diploma of yours!"

So with her hand in his, Demyx felt his face turn a deep shade of red as he twined his fingers around hers and ran; ran with a full hearted laugh at everything.

Yotsuba remembered. She remembered when they had gotten to the school, breath almost gone from having raced non-stop to the shoe lockers. Their faces were a bit sweaty; and lack of air had made their faces go pink. But despite that, they just smiled at each other as they exchanged their indoor shoes for their outdoor shoes.

"I'm going to head to class now! I can't wait to see your gra-.." "Yotsuba wait."

She had blinked and faced back to see Demyx standing there, smile having dissapeared, and clutching a small envelope in his hand. "Dem...? What's..." He had shakily reached forward and enclosed her hand around the letter.

In the back of her mind, she had wondered why she had wanted it to be the type of letter that all girls dream of getting. "I want you to read this. It's... it's really important that you do it."

His hands had lingered on hers for a second more than normal before he had pulled away and raced off to the third floor, leaving her standing on the ground floor hallway with her face a bright red, staring down at the letter with her name written in messy cursive on the front.

The clover girl of class 2-5 had been lucky that the first half of class was a free period. Since the graduation would begin halfway through, the teachers had found it pointless to begin class when they would be interuppted. Her heart had been pounding in her ears from that moment before the final school bells rung.

And now, sitting in the privacy of the girls' restroom stall, she shakily opened the two page letter and glanced at it, nothing that he had gone to extreme lengths to make it cosmetically look as perfect as possible. (She knew that his hand writing was anything from stellar. Personal experience in teaching him kanji.)

To Yotsuba,

I have so many things I want to say to you. So many things that I want you to know. But, I'm going to start with that I apologize for treating you so harshly. You haven't done anything wrong... in fact, everything is all my fault! Haha.. Everything has been just so stressful; final exams, school entrance exams, the graduation ceremony. None of those were your fault and all I did was snap at you when you were just trying to cheer me up. So, for that I'm super sorry.

I don't think that I could've gotten through school without you there by my side. You were always cheering me on and helping me with homework and bringing me snacks and keeping me company when I was stressed out about studying for my exams. Being with you made me the happiest I've ever been in my life.

Better cut to the chase shouldn't I? .... well, to put it bluntly... I love you. I've always loved the girl next door who would visit me when I was sick -- who would draw with me -- who would kick the bullies' asses when they took my glasses -- who would smile at me for every happy little thing we did -- who would come to me crying and want ME to comfort her when bad things happened to her.

I love the girl I've grown up with. She's always there, scrunching up her nose when I tease her and shooting me in the face with a water gun when I'm being stupid. Thinking of you always makes me happy and it makes me enjoy life... I enjoy life through you.

I feel kind of bad. My best friend in all the world; the one person I can tell just about anything to, and I can't even face her when pouring my heart out. So, I'm writing it all down.

You don't have to answer me. (Although I'd really appreciate it if you did.. haha!) You don't need to tell me anything, but, if it doesn't bother you that I feel this way... my second button is waiting for you.

Love always,

She sat there reading every single word that carried multitude emotions. She felt her heart thump hard and rapidly in her chest, "D-dem..." She paused in her reading, clutching the paper to her chest with a shaky little sigh that breathed past her lips.

The rest of the morning had been in a daze. Her friends hadn't been able to get any information from her; and even during the graduation ceremony, she had almost missed him walking across the stage when his name had been called.

Yotsuba caught him walking down the steps, and had locked eyes with him for a brief moment in time before looking away with her face a dark red color.

But, the ceremony had gone off without a hitch. All the third years had passed and they were cheering amongst themselves. They were all piled up at the front of the school greeting their parents and other family members that had shown up to their graduation or conversing with other graduated students.

From behind a small tree, Yotsuba stood with an embarrassed look as she saw Demyx confronted by many of his peers; some of them patted him on the back... and every now and then, a girl would walk up and it would make the clover girl jealous when they pointed to his second button.

Yotsuba hated being jealous. She hated feeling helpless. She hated that he was making her feel this way.

She had turned around and was leaning heavily against the tree with a hand placed over her heart. Her emotions were going with whatever direction they decided to shoot, that she hadn't noticed when one of Demyx's friends had pointed her out... or when Demyx had walked up to her tree and leaned up against the opposite of the tree trunk.

"You didn't really watch me walk across the stage, Yotsuba." She flinched at his sudden voice, but forced herself to not move from her spot.

".....! I... I .. I saw you walk off." She stammered out, wishing to no avail that her face stop feeling warm to the touch. The tone of his voice made her imagine him smiling that gentle smile he always had; the one he reserved for her and her alone. "I told myself that when I graduated was the day I'd tell you everything. I uh... I'm not very good at words, ya know?"

Demyx laughed embarrassedly and scratched the back of his head while gazing up at the cherry blossom petals that were floating through the air. "I didn't mean to put you in a spot, honest! But, ... aha... you're the only girl I've ever looked at.. THAT way. I meant everything I said in that letter!"

Yotsuba turned her head and looked over her shoulder, and was strangely comforted when she saw that Demyx had also turned his head to look at her with that sheepish grin on his face. "Nothing will change how much you mean to me, Yotsuba. I just... well.."

He moved around the tree trunk and stood next to her, staring down at her as she gazed up at him past the blush on her cheeks, "... I just wanted to let you know I love you. That's all."

Demyx took a deep breath and placed a kiss on her forehead, pausing to relish in the moment of being so close to her, and then pulled away. "Well, I've gotta find my parents!" Her eyes widened as he turned around, hand raised in a wave, "I'll see ya later, Yots-"


His turquoise eyes stared down at the flustered green haired girl who had a look of annoyance on her face, "You come over here, trying to sound all cool and modest and you won't even give me a chance to.. to say anything!"


"Don't you dare interupt me, Dem! I'M talking here!" Demyx felt himself shrinking at the sight of an irate Yotsuba. She had always been a force to be reckoned with when mad. .... "How dare you! You spend the past few weeks snapping at me, making me feel like I'm not doing good enough to keep my best friend happy and now.. NOW you decide that you're going to dump your love confession on me... and then think that I don't feel the same way for you?!"

Yotsuba felt a few tears prickle her eyes as she lowered her head. She had to get these feelings out. She had to before they exploded, "Because I do! I love you too!" Her tiny hands clutched the bottom of her skirt tightly as unplanned words continue to pour out of her, "Did you think I was clueless?! That I didn't know you had some kind of feelings for me? You'd get jealous when that one guy from the gardening club would hit on me!"

When she glanced up past her green hair, she saw the displeased look on Demyx's face when she mentioned the president of the gardening club, Marluxia (Or Marly as how he had introduced himself to her). "But I always came back to you! Did it ever occur to you that maybe it was because I loved you more than I could any other guy?"

"Yotsuba I... I'm sorry.. I didn't think-"

"That's the problem! You don't think! You just always take the easy route and try to avoid confrontation! Well I'm not letting you get away, Emyd!" She saw him recoil at the use of his real name and watched as he glanced around to the growing crowd that was watching them. .. when did that happen? "D-don't use that name out in public, Yotsuba!"

Yotsuba took a few steps forward and leaned her head up to stare into his, "Then give me your second button." Hesitantly, she released a clenched hand and held it palm up, "... I.. I want your second button if you will still give it to me."

Her voice had shrank at the question and she waited with a watchful eye as he gathered his thoughts, "... say that again?" Yotsuba refrained from hitting him upside the head.

"Your second button. May I... please have your second button?" There was a moment of silence, before Demyx let out a relieved and yet happy laugh at her question. The sound of thread ripping as he pulled off the second button on his school uniform resounded in her ear as he dropped the golden button into her hand.

She held it in between her finger tips and stared as the sun glistened off the dull paint. Yotsuba smiled and clutched it tightly, "Thanks." "Anytime, Yotsuba." Leaning forward, Demyx wrapped his arms around her shoulders and hugged her tightly, "I'll call you when I get home, ok?" He released her when she murmured a yes into uniform and then waved as he went to go join his family that had been waiting to recieve him.

All day... all day she had thought of everything that happened. Naturally her classmates had flocked to her the moment they realized she had just confessed her love to her best friend; it was only to be expected. Everyone knew that Demyx and Yotsuba were an inseperable pair and that it had only been a matter of time before SOMETHING had happened..

The thought that they were that obvious made Yotsuba flush a pink color as she rolled over in bed and glanced up at her clock while dropping the button she had been holding onto down on the night stand.

9:26 P.M. The hands on her sunflower clock pointed to. She could only rub her head impatiently as she crawled out of her comfy zone to pluck her large sketch pad and a pencil out. She let the pencil zoom across the page, creativity seemingly gushing out due to the day's memories.

Yotsuba? Are you there? Pausing, the clover girl glanced up to the paper cup phone that was hanging from her window and smiled excitedly as she tossed the sketch book to the side and opened her window, all the while clutching the cup to her mouth.

"You're late." She leaned against the window sill and stared out next door, watching as Demyx took his own perch on his window with a similar cup held to his ear. "I was beginning to think that you had forgotten me with all your celebrating!"

Yotsuba grinned teasingly as she lifted up the cup to her ear to hear his amused response, "Well, it WAS pretty hard to leave all that okonomiyaki laying on the table. My parents weren't going to let me leave until I had eaten all those years worth of headaches and aggravation I gave them."

"Being tortured by eating your favorite meal. How painful that must have been." The sarcasm in her voice was not lost as she watched his over-acting from across the way. He had pushed his window open all the way and had a leg propped up as he watched her from the side.

"It was horrible! They took me to my favorite place to eat and bought me whatever I wanted! ... and I didn't have you with me to share with."

She saw him grin at her obvious embarrassment. Even with new confessions, nothing seemed to changed when it came to making her blush.

"So? I hope that you didn't call just to gloat that you got food." She pouted into the cup phone. Yotsuba didn't have to lift the receiver to her ear to know that he was chuckling with amusement.

"Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?"

Yotsuba glanced down at her sketch pad and smiled at the incomplete image of her and Demyx sharing ice cream together before looking back through the window and straight at the musician-next-door. "I'd love to."
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