Eway ficlet #4

Jan 27, 2008 02:37

Title: Candlelit Reflections
Characters: Beast Boy & the Duchess
Rating: G
Summary: This takes place immediatebly after this. Beast Boy tries to sneak back to safe haven.. only to be discovered in an attempt to fix himself up. Wifi showed me the fic, and me, being the silly Leoband I am, decided to make a response fic to it. u_u

The night was silent; the moon shone down on snow covered world and reflected a soft blue glow upon the rest of the world.

Beast Boy limped pitifully through the hallways that weren't his own, back to the place he knew was a refuge from the insanity he had faced. He was exhausted, and his body was screaming out -- wanting to just lay down from facing himself in a sense.

Despite all that, he could only say one thing, "I totally rock. I can beat myself anyday!" The animorph grinned in pride, "Yeah, he wasn't much of a match for me. I'm green. You can't beat that!" He thumped a fist into his chest as a sign of pride, but felt himself crumple at the pain shooting from his side, ".. oww oww..."

He felt the familiar doorknob as he passed by the door and turned it, peering inside curiously for if anyone was awake, "... no one's awake." Beast Boy nudged the door in, wincing as he was forced to turn inwards to try and get to where he thought the kitchen (and maybe the first aid kit) was.

The child had gotten halfway across the first room when he heard the sound of a fire being lit, and a small light brightening the room from the other side. He paused in mid-step and then turned around to see the Duchess wearing her night clothes lighting a candle before facing him.

"Ahh.. sorry I woke you up! I wasn't trying to make any noise! I promis-" "You're hurt." Beast Boy felt his cheeks turn a dark red color. He had hoped that she wouldn't see the aftermath of his battle, but obviously he was wrong.

What he didn't expect, was that as quick as she was to state the obvious, she was quick if not quicker to stride over to him and place her hands upon his green colored cheeks, "Children should not fight. It leads to much pain and unnessicary suffering."

Beast Boy felt like he was shrinking under the Duchess' scolding and tried to lower his head so she wouldn't see the shamed look on his face, "I'm sorry... I didn't...! He was.. he was gonna..!"

"But... I'm very relieved that you've returned, Beast Boy."

"... huh?" And with that, he felt himself withing warm and inviting arms; being held tightly but still comfortably in the woman's arms. Her tiny hand was rubbing the back of his head and her other arm was wrapped around his shoulders. ".. w-wait a sec!"

"Shhh... you were hurt by the other you, but as long as you're back here to return to your friends... I am glad." Beast Boy stood there, strangely moved that this lady whom he didn't really know was .. so understanding. And so caring about his well being.

"I.. I'm sorry." He felt tears pooling on the side of his eyes; he had fought to protect his family and friends. He had fought to protect himself... but it just.. didn't seem fair that so many people were going to be hurt!

The Duchess seemed to sense that deep feeling of regret and helplessness, and continued to soothe his worries; whispering comforts and kind words while he babbled on about everything that his darker side had said to him during the fight. It felt like forever but as soon as he had gotten all his worries off his chest, the Duchess finally pulled him away and motioned him to sit down.

"I shall return. We'll get you fixed up." Reaching up with gentle hands, she wiped the few remaining tears from the boy's cheeks and eyes and turned to leave when Beast Boy grabbed the side of her gown, "... hm? What is it?"

"When.. when we go back to our side... can... can I still visit here?" The Duchess turned her head and glanced down with a small but still kind smile, "You're always welcome here. There will always be a plate of cookies and tea waiting for when you visit, Beast Boy."

He felt happy that he was given permission, and smiled back up at her as she seemed to float away -- but he knew she'd come back.

She was Mother after all.
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