I say stupid things. I have a random thinking pattern. I don't always make sense. I like to make conversations with people who work at Dairy Queen. I count shutters. I make up words. I think I know words, but in actuality, I don't.
These two people accept me for who I am. I think the reason my last summer was so great, was I found two people I could completely be myself around. They were there for me when things were good and when things were bad. I felt happy, because I knew I had two amazing friends who had my back and that I could hang out with. I had many 3 way calls with them, many video game battles, and I even had the priveledge to spend my 15th birthday with them. Thank you both for showing me what a real friend is.
I feel like everyone is judging people now, and not giving them a chance. There are a lot of people where I feel like i'm not good enough for them. I think its really sad by how big that number is. I'm just going to be me, and hope you can like me for who I am. I try to be so open with people and give everyone a chance, but I feel shut down. Which is okay, it just sucks. I'm trying really hard to be a good friend to you. I'm here if you need anything and I always will be, even if you don't trust me or chose to shut me out.
I miss you. a lot. I hope we can go bowling or hang out soon. I love you guys for who you are. Thank you for everything.
I'm so sick of my back hurting. meh!