A belated tribute to a great, great man (though not as great as you, Pat!)

Dec 15, 2007 22:13

My Dear Pat,

I am so, so sorry for my elongated silence. My dear cat, Fluffers, passed away last Christmas and I was torn up about it for months. Really Pat, you'll never see such a loving and compassionate creature as was Fluffers (unless you look in a mirror, of course!). If losing Fluffers wasn't enough, you remember how Mr. Jerry Falwell went to be with God in May. Well, that sent me into a few more months of mourning. Indeed, you wrote:

"Jerry has been a tower of strength on many of the moral issues which have confronted our nation. Liberty University is a magnificent accomplishment and will prove a lasting legacy. Jerry’s courage and strength of convictions will be sadly missed in this time of increasing moral relativism. I join with the tens of thousands of his friends to mourn the passing of this extraordinary human being."

Truer words have never been spoken, with the exception of Mr. Falwell's famous line:

"If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being."

Here, here, Mr. Falwell. Well said, sir.

And now for my personal tribute to the great Mr. Falwell, I will officially name my new cat after his honor. I would like to present, Mr. Hairy Falwell:

Isn't he just darling? Farewell, Mr. Falwell, and may you rest in peace with the Lord.

God Bless!
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