”Do you propose an alliance?” “An alliance of hearts."

Jun 11, 2010 23:21

Reason you should be on tumblr #67291873: THIS STUFF HAPPENS.

I reblogged this picture of Tricia.

leiascully saw it and replied, "OMG, long hair! She looks like a Disney princess."

Which is totally true, so I replied "… She does! Little birds could fly around her and not look out of place!"

She cleverly added, "Now I’m imagining a wing of tiny Vipers and Raiders zipping around. One lands on her upraised hand."

So... this happened.

Me: And she sings and more dance around her. The vipers mew in harmony.

leiascully: Prince Gaius rides up astride a Battlestar. He’s clearly not very good at it. When he sees her, his jaw drops and he falls off. His crown rolls across the floor. She picks it up and hands it back graciously. He calls her Lady.

Me: “What brings you to this kingdom, noble gentlemen?” she asks in dulcet tones.

Prince Gaius can only stutter charmingly that he is Prince Gaius and is very, um, well-known and handsome and intelligent, if one believes things like “IQ tests” or “awards” or “having scientific principles named after you more than once.”

leiascully: A Viper zips past his ear and he flinches. Princess Caprica giggles. ”They won’t hurt you, Prince Gaius.”

“Well, um, I had a bad experience in childhood,” he says. But he reassures her that he really is brilliant and successful and all that now.

“I can see that you’re handsome,” she tells him. ”Surely the rest must also be true.”

“Um, yes.” He looks worried. ”Assuredly. You are very lovely, Princess Caprica.”

Me: “I have been told that,” Princess Caprica says earnestly, for honesty is a trait she is known for, “but so many princes and noblemen have seen me for only my looks. I am more concerned with matters of the heart, and soul.”

The Vipers and Raiders seemed to buzz in agreement. Besotted and slightly dazzled by her beauty, Prince Gaius nodded. “I can see how that would trouble someone such as yourself,” he says, not seeing at all, “but I promise that I see beyond that. Your eyes are the windows to a truly incandescent spirit.”

Prince Gaius is known in his own kingdom for being a honey-tongued devil, using his words to get under the petticoats of maidens fair. As he spoke, though, he could feel a tug on his heart, as though what he was saying might actually be true. It was a bit unsettling.

leiascully: Meanwhile, Princess Caprica was known in her kingdom as a logical, level-headed woman totally dedicated to the welfare of her kingdom, even if it meant snapping a few necks, but she found herself terribly charmed by Prince Gaius. ”Your flattery is too much, Prince Gaius,” she said, blushing. She studied him from under her eyelashes. He was short and had hair like a prophet and didn’t seem particularly articulate despite his impressive intellect, but something about him called to her, and the way that he had ducked when her Viper flew past his head had been, somehow, adorable.

“No, Lady,” he said seriously. ”I calibrated it quite precisely.”

“Oh, Prince Gaius, how you must ruffle the maidens’ petticoats!” Princess Caprica laughed, for she was as practical and realistic as she was beautiful. ”You are too much.”

“I suspect that I am no more than you could handle,” said Prince Gaius. ”Your wit is as bright as your smile.”

“What are you suggesting, Prince Gaius?” Princess Caprica asked. ”Do you propose an alliance?”

“An alliance of hearts,” he murmured.

Me: A blush spread prettily across her cheeks as she considered his words. She could, in fact, imagine an alliance of hearts- and knew, just by looking at him, that such an alliance was something he had never considered, despite all the petticoats he had ruffled. And he was quite right- he was absolutely no more than she could handle. After all, she was taller than he was, and she suspected she might be a bit cleverer than he, regardless of the scientific principles he had discovered.

“I accept!” she trilled, and threw her arms around his neck for true love’s first kiss. The Vipers and Raiders buzzed around at a pleasant distance.

leiascully: “Do you hear music?” Prince Gaius whispered, in the midst of the kiss.

“Oh, that happens when my heart is singing!” Princess Caprica told him. ”My dreams become real.” The Vipers and Raiders hummed in harmony and flew together in a heart formation.

“Darling Princess Caprica,” Gaius said, “I think we will be very happy together.”

“I have to tell you something,” Caprica said solemnly. ”I’m a robot, Gaius.”

“I don’t care what you are,” Gaius said, passion in his voice. ”I love you. Let’s live together forever and raise semi-robotic babies and be desperately happy and everyone will be terribly, terribly jealous of our beautiful, successful, happy, perfect lives.”

“Oh, yes!” Caprica said. ”Yes, let’s! Oh, Gaius, it’s just like a prophecy.”

And that, children of the Colonies, is the true story of how the second Cylon war was resolved before it ever happened, by true love’s first kiss.

Me: Et la Princesse Caprica a épousé le Prince Gaius, ils vécurent heureux et eurent beaucoup d’enfants.


gaius, awesome, red, tumblr, quotes, leiascully

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