Jun 09, 2010 02:08
So, I'm watching Lay Down Your Burdens Pt 1, and Kara is leading a mission back to Caprica to go get her man Samders, and they're talking about how it's going to be like, a jillion jumps and they're probably going to die or whatever, but there's something new and cool that will make their lives easier, and that is! INSTALLING CYLON TECHNOLOGY ONTO THEIR RAPTORS, ENABLING THEM TO MAKE BIGGER JUMPS OR SOME SHIT SO THEY CAN GET BACK TO CAPRICA FASTER.
Wait wait wait. What's that you say? Installing Cylon technology? That thing everyone freaks out about in season four? They were doing it in season two? And everyone, including Mr Cylon Hater himself, Señor Felix Gaeta, accepted it? WHY YES. IN FACT, HE IS ACTUALLY THE ONE INFORMING EVERYONE OF THIS NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE READY ROOM. And everyone deals with it just fine! Goddamn. Like, if they showed even just Gaeta making faces, I'd be better with it, but nooo.
I know this show isn't super great at consistency- and really, what show is?- but come on, guys! You act like adding Cylon FTLs is some fresh hell for the fleet to get their panties in a bunch about, but no! They already implemented Cylon technology without everyone dying gruesome deaths or anything.
Cue anger and rage at fleet and the mutineers, as per usual.