(no subject)

Feb 24, 2009 12:15

So, the Miami-Dade courthouse jury selection pool is completely made of fail.

They selected me for jury duty back in November. Since I'm a student not even living there, I can't exactly just drop everything and go home to do something as inane as jury duty, so I had to ask for an extension. They wanted me to do it on winter break, but the date I would've had to report on was my birthday, so I put it on my spring break, which starts March 9th.

However, my legal address is now in Gainesville. It is actually illegal for me to perform jury duty in Miami now, according to their own website. However, this means nothing to the incredibly accurate, expedient and communicative courthouse selection people, because they're all, well, just send us a photocopy of your license and you're good. This is after they have all looked up my file numerous times, which apparently says nothing along the lines of "must show up, come hell or high water." Upon receiving my license, they're like, "yeah, well, since you couldn't foresee that you were going to change your address in five months, and though you are no longer a legal resident of Miami and therefore CANNOT LEGALLY PERFORM JURY DUTY, you still have to or be in contempt of court, no matter what."

... Yep, I just went to site again, and it says, "The following persons MUST be excused from jury duty (are not allowed to serve):" and the third group of people not allowed are those who are no longer residents of Miami-Dade County. WTF.

jury duty, miami

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