So, last night I was incredibly, incredibly bored. Sure, I had other things I could be doing- preparing for my history midterm, for example, or studying for French commerce, since I bombed the test- but instead I wound up looking at promo pictures on Alias media. Because I'm cool like that. It is how I roll.
So I wander through the archives, sharing the lulzy ones with Tess- and there were lots. Lots of JenGar's midriff and her pouting and generally looking way to young to be anywhere near a gun. There were like, four really really creepy Jack and Syd ones, because... *shudders* the vibes, dude. In fact, that was what I was going to make a post of- Jack and Syd promos throughout the seasons: how by season three there was NARY A FRISSON, praise God. But then I got to season five and I found this.
Jack, little Syd v.2, the wooden blocks of spydom. No big. But then I checked out behind Jack's butt. And lo, it was the picture Syd had in season four!
Me: in a surprising display of awesomeness, the picture in the frame behind jack's butt is one of the ones he gave to Syd in season four of Mia as Irina. /ep-promos/season5/finale/finale02.jpg Tess: LOL, is it?
Me: oh yes, dude
Tess: two?
Me: /ep-promos/season5/finale/finale06.jpg Me: MY MIND IS BLOWN.
And so, for your consideration, I give you
The Best Dressed Scene in all of Alias
So, I was already blown away by the idea that they had used one picture that we had seen in season four (Nocturne, to be exact.) But then there was a picture of Little Sydney standing in front of a window, flanked by two pictures. To right, the picture of Irina and pals. To the left, the picture of Irina and the mystery baby.
Irina and her friends! Behind Jack's butt, behind Syd, and there, twenty-some years later, in Sydney's possession to show her sister! This is practically unheard of on this show. They can't even keep the same picture of Rambaldi's sketch of Syd. I think it's really interesting that Jack still has not one but two pictures of Irina still in his study- his own private enclave. And I wonder who the people with Irina Laura are. It's in a frame on his desk, it has to be at least somewhat meaningful to him.
Irina and the mystery baby! This one is rather awesome as well. We see that Jack has magical, magical powers over this. Originally, this photo had Irina carrying the baby in her left arm... in color. IN COLOR, PEOPLE. Apparently Jack's angst bleached it of color, as Tess so aptly put it. And also, when he got it in his hands at APO, his longing made the image flip sides. Or something.
So, larger shot. Little Syd is still surrounded by the pictures of her mama, however, there are also pictures on the desk. Three that you can see.
The first picture you can see is (IMO) clearly Lena and Victor somewhere. I can't find this picture on the internet, but I'm relatively certain it's them. Second picture is of tiny Syd (the original) on Jack's shoulders, that we saw in season one. And the third, hardly visible, is this official-ish picture of Irina that we saw in the season four finale in APO.
When I went to spy_caps, they showed little Syd holding the official pic in her hands. And then here's the picture of Jack and original Syd, and then original Syd with original Laura.
I find this entire thing magical. Seriously. This is a show that is known for its shoddy continuity, for its total disregard for keeping things the same or even remembering details, and then, for a short scene in the final episode, they pull this out. Well-played, Alias. Well-played.