Aug 28, 2006 10:11
So... I like sex. A lot actually. I'm quite the nympho. I could have sex four times a day and just want more. The more I get the more fun it is, the more I want.
Well we haven't had sex in two weeks. We broke up on monday so there went all my hope for sex. But then... he spent the night at his baby's mothers house with her and two of her friends getting drunk. Not only did he spend the night there but he made me LEAVE him there. So as you can probibly assume, I was pissed. Very...very...pissed. Well I got no sleep and around two thirty in the afternoon he came home. I left as soon as he got there. We argued on the phone for a while while me and frankie drove over south. We met these boys. Smoked. Then I went home. When I got home we talked and he said some things and made some promises. We're still not togather but we're much closer then we were before. And that IS the goal.
Anyways, then I was going to go to sleep. But he just kept kissing me and I couldn't help myself. It was so nice though. He spent a long time just kissing me and petting me and it was just...actually...special. How fucking corny is that? But it was great in the end. Best sex I've had all year I think. I have hickies all over my neck...he even made one bleed. Crazy fun.
Anyways...I wish we did that more often. It really is quite frustrating to go so long without. But now that he's my "ex" I guess that may not be a good idea. Man was I pissed though. I packed some shit and was ready to leave and not come back except to pack all my shit and move it out the house. (which would be EVERYTHING in this apartment damn near!) Speaking of which I need boxes and trash bags. So I can start packing everything anyways. End of september and I'm outta here. I'm excited because so many things make me hate this apartment. Mostly that I let that broad set foot in it. But theres other things too and it's falling apart.
It's cold and rainy today I'm going to have to take my hoodie with me. I'm going to run errands with my mom for a while in a little bit here. So I ought to make this short. my procrastonation has made me put my hundred things on hold cause I haven't the attention span for it lately.
I got photoshop CS2 again and I am going to start playing with my pictures. I'm excited. I hear it's way easier to use but I never used it when we had it before because... I procrastonate. So I'm going to play with it when I get home tonight and see how it goes.