10 Lifestyle Changes You Should Make in Your 30's

Jul 10, 2016 12:25

As I've made posts about on facebook and written in my paper journal, 2016 is my year: It's a time to accomplish things that I've wanted to do, to reach outside my comfort zone, etc, etc. Part of acheiving this was taking a personal/introspective look at myself. I haven't done that too much; maybe only in passing when God's revealed something to me here and there throughout the day or when I'm reading the Bible (which I'm doing well on! Into Chronicles already!).

Lifehack.org provides a lot of good fodder for doing this introspective pursuit. Here is one of them that I will go through in detail: "10 Lifestyle Changes You Should Make in Your 30's." (That way I can get rid of these papers I printed -- too much clutter in my apt!)

1. Start Loving Yourself More - "only when you love yourself can you ruly be able to e tend love to others, both in your personal and professional life...start each day by appreciating and applauding yourself for you are beautiful, smart and capable, and you are doing the best you can. Stop hanging around people who don't treat you well, spend more time with people that make you feel good."

This is one of my bigger challenges. In my professional life I think I've solidified love for myself - I don't feel insecure about my abilities (I'm confident in my abilities); I'm confident in the choices I make, even if they are the "wrong" ones, the ones that would result in a less than satisfactory outcome; I'm happy around the people I work with and find it extremely easy to love on people (although Brian Grochowski and a few others do make it hard because they are arrogant); and I never feel like I'm being judged for my appearance. I feel comfortable in my skin at work.

In my personal life it's a whole different ball game. I'm not comfortable enough in my own skin to feel confident in every day encounters with people, places, experiences. I should probably have a chat with a therapist about this. There's still something I have to overcome in my personal life but I'm not sure what that is. I'm not sure I love my personal self. I don't like my weight, I don't know who I am as a person. I only know who I am as a work person, and my abilities that were created, honed, and nurtured through years and years of formal education. Outside of this realm...?? I don't know.

2. Start Building your Dream Private [Personal] Life - "your personal life is going to play a major role in your happiness, success and satisfaction in life. Get started on your goals. Ask yourself what you can do between now and the end of the year to reach your dream personal life. [paraphrased next sentences: don't wait until you have "enough" money, "enough" time, a "perfect" career to do something]

What is my dream personal life? Without thinking too hard: I want a nice, clean, minimalist apartment. I have too much stuff. I need to restart the Konmarie method here; I want all the clutter gone so that I can focus on/further develop my hobbies - guitar, painting, drawing, crafting, photography, hiking, camping, exploring new places! I have too much stuff and its become a burden. It's just a matter of bagging it up and then waiting for people to buy it (just leaves a pile of mess/eye sore) or give it away. I really could use the extra cash though! I want to be a fit person who relies on the minimum amount of food a person can survive on - this will subsequently cut my grocery bills down. I owe this to myself - all of this that I have mentioned, before entering a relationship. I want to be comfortable and happy enough in my own skin and knowing what I'm about, before I traipse through a relationship. Not doing this would not only hurt myself, but the guy as well.

3. Start Pursuing Work that You Actually Love - "explore other areas of your line of work...pursue your truest passions."

I love my job. I make a difference. I protect the public's health by spotting issues and making facilities get them corrected. I am happy with my job, but I do want more. I want my certification in public health, really wish I would have gotten into industrial hygiene/OSHA. I have an intuitive knack for that. I want my side job to be writing and photography. I took steps toward photography - finally got my lenses!! And still need a few more to have the basics covered. I have an art easel I've never put up and it's just been sitting there. I want to have my own art show.

4. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others - Facebook allows you to compare yourself to others. Don't feel like a loser when you see "wonderful" posts by others. "We are all different and grow at our own pace. Allow yourself to grow and evolve at your own pace. 'If you are unable to do some things in life compared to your friends, then please be at peace with yourself.'"

This one I probably do more than I realize. I do truly believe that everyone should live their life to the beat of their own drum. I believe that there is no systematic way to live life, contrary to the standard 4-years of college, buy a house, get married, marry your high school sweetheart beliefs. We each have our own path that God gives to us, and if we try to stick to the "norm" instead of listening to where God wants to take us, we are going to be headed towards a lot of heartache and angst (prime example: me listening to Jesse and doing what he said instead of leaving him, moving out of his house of my own accord, etc, etc).

The only standard for comparison that should be used is myself. I do have to remind myself that, although I'm definitely not where I want to be at this point in my life (especially when I see others 10 years younger than me accomplishing so much more) I have made small improvements and taken baby steps towards getting to where I want to be! I think the challenge for me isn't so much the difficulty in not comparing myself to others, but rather paying attention to myself and making purpose-filled decisions to get me where I want to be. Work in progress! I have decided that before my passport expires I have to fly to Australia and New Zealand, no matter how scared I am. No excuses, just do it!

5.  Start Being Content with What You Already Have - "Be calm, patient and content with what you have...appreciating what you have can increase happiness and decrease negative feelings...You can strive for better, but understand that life doesn't always work out exactly how we want or plan." Be gracious for what you have. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference!

I was ungrateful not long after getting my job in Lansing. I wasn't happy that I was getting paid so little for having a Master's degree when others with less education were getting paid more. I wasn't happy that all I had was a low-paying job with little opportunity to make more of myself while others I graduated from U of M with were doing so much more, achieving so much within the same time period. I wasn't happy that people from high school, who didn't do well and just had fun, were more successful than I was (if you measure success in the amount of money you make, which I do). I am still not happy that my job is, for the most part, mindless. The few exceptions are my "projects" with the fly ash fallout, the odor complaints, and catching people doing what they shouldn't be doing. I am really good at realizing there is a problem and getting it fixed where previous inspectors had let fall by the wayside.

Focus on my pasture on my side of the fence: Lansing was/is a stepping stone, not a final destination. I make enough to pay for a beautiful apartment with a washer/dryer and multiple windows (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room and sliding glass door) overlooking a pond. It's awesome. I make enough to pay off some of my loans and some of my credit card debt.

I am not stuck here. I have abilities that will take me further than this present job.

My parents are still alive, I have a niece and nephew that love me and have another one on the way. I have a good brother-in-law. My family is supportive in their own special way. I have a comfy bed, 50% of my bedroom wall is windows, I'm close to grocery stores. I have a good group of coworkers.

As for money problems and debt, it is my fault for making the decisions I did with Jesse. I will address this in #6 for forgiving myself for my mistakes.

6. Start Forgiving Yourself for Your Mistakes - "Everybody makes mistakes...reflect and forgive yourself for those mistakes." Learning about and embracing our weaknesses help you ease into yoru own skin. Let go of the mistakes, learn from them, and move on.

I have made mistakes that I'm still paying for: mentally, emotionally, financially.

I started spending money that I didn't have on clothes to make Jesse happy with what I was wearing. I also overspent on groceries. I drained my hefty savings account down to nothing. Traveling to and from Jesse every week during the summer of 2010 was draining and hurt my car. I made the mistake of staying with Jesse after the first 6 months/when red flags were starting to pop up. I made the mistake of taking 5 years to leave him. I learned what I don't want. I learned that mistakes happen, life happens, and there is always a way to bounce back. It's these kind of trials that create a spirit of perseverence and succeeding in the face of mountainous obstacles.

7. Start Exercising Regularly - Make time for exercise, move yourself as much as possible, your future self will thank you.

I have a non-existent exercise life.

I was doing well at this until my calves caused my feet to overexert tendons. Walking hurts. I can do strength training! Need to get hiking back and figure out how/where to keep my bike to do that again.

8. Start Calling your Parents at Regular Intervals - "Your parents will not live forever. Neglecting them may be neglecting opportunities you may rue. Visit them whenever you can."

I am horrible at this. I could go for a month without talking to my mom. Allison calls her everyday. It's true, I won't always have these moments left with them. I must take advantage of these opportunities to talk to them/hang out with them because one day they won't be there. This must be moved to the top of my priorities list.

9. Start Making Health Eating Habits a Priority - "Avoid processed and junk foods as much as possible. Make your health a priority."

I'd say, comparitively speaking, I eat much more healthy than your average Joe. I prefer salads over burgers, have stopped buying junk food, won't buy any deli meat, hotdogs, etc. My bad cholesterol is extremely low, I maintain a good blood pressure, I keep my teeth healthy...

I need to cut pop out of my diet - that's a downfall. Candy, when available is a fail too (although I never really was a candy eater my entire life, up until I ran into Teresa who was obsessed with chocolate and then it made me want it - pop too! Didn't care for that until Brad introduced me to how refreshing it was! Gotta keep people like that away from me). Eating larger portion sizes is also something I need to control. And I think taking more time pampering myself: shaving my legs, "sanding" my calloused feet, filing my nails, washing my face, rinsing with Listerine regularly, etc, etc will help me love myself more. I've also told myself, when tempted by eating more or eating something I shouldn't - if you eat that, you really don't love yourself and show respect for your body. That's been helpful most recently.

10. Not here! I can't find the sheet with #10. Here is a quote from the page after #10's point "Have a blast in your 30s and make fond memories, but remember to bild your purpose"

eat healthy, content, no comparisons, call your parents, love yourself, love work, dream life, forgive yourself, exercise

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