Copied and Edited From My Blogthing

Nov 22, 2006 23:18

I have holes in the knees of my jeans that keep ripping everytime I cross my legs!

Well acctually they aren't my pants...

Their my g.f.'s pants

I mean g.f. but minus the sexual/intimate stuff... like kissing ...or anything else

My g.f. is completely straight

But we've been dating for 11mon and sum odd days

I only remember that cause we started dating on Halloween last year

Anyway I just got a job

Pinnacle Energy

Im a canvasser, which means I go door-to-door and advertise by trying to convince homeowners to get estimates on their home for siding, windows, roofing, or doors.

Yea ppl don't really aprecciate the whole knocking on their door thing

They think Im trying to sell something and get all bitchy and yell or slam the door often times

But w/e no biggie theres always the few decent ppl left in the world who acctually realize that, yea Im at ur door with a clip board, but Im human too

and just cuz I have a clip board doesn't mean I'm gonna make you pay $500 dollars for something you don't want/need.

lol idk

but theres so many awsome kids there!

and my boss is way awsome too

Chris Lee- Boss Man, hes a rather large white man and hes funny as shit. he deffinatly says the F word more than anyone Ive ever met. But hes great, he does Dave Chapple impressions, hes especially good at the white-guy voice that the white pixie does, and he can do Bart Simpson too. He's such an odd ball lol He's also really understanding and helpful, I think he should be like a concelour or something. He's already a Reverend lol

So than theres my fellow canvassers

Jo Ann Fedorko- shes my friend from school, she acctually brought me to Pinnacle. Shes mad awsome and all the guys fight over her lol. She secretley loves the attention lol We get partnered together cuz we fuckin rock sox and get a majority of the leads for the most part. Plus Jo can't be with any of the guys or they'll get all ~*~g1rl-cr@zy~*~

Chris Aughenbaugh- Some call him Haighen-Diaz, like the ice cream place, he has an Amish haircut but everyone says it looks like the tip of a penis. Hes funny though, we pick on each other. Jo just recently broke up with him but es still all JO JO JO. Oh and I decided he looks like a Backstreet Boy, but it wasnt supposed to be a comment. Cuz he told me I looked like a Spice Girl with my hair in a side pony-tail. Yea... Chris Cock'n Balls j.k. I luv'm hes super sweet but he needs to get the heck over Jo cuz shes got Guy-ADD! lol love ya Chris 0=)

Chris' bess fren is Jason Grimes- its absolutely mandatory that everytime you refur to Jason Grimes that you call him both Jason AND Grimes. Like one of those 2-name celebrities, ya know? Him and Chris skateboard a lot with their other best friend Sam and they make M.I.A.D.A. vids. Jason Grimes is rele tall and skinny with orange hair. Everyone says he looks like Ron Weasly and Sam looks like Harry Potter.

Sam S.- I guess theres maybe a slight resemblence to Harry Potter with his dark hair and glasses. One guy thought he looked Emo lol. I totally saw the emo look. He's rele skinny too, he like(d/s) Jo but she liked Chris so yea that didn't end too well...I think Sam is a cutie pie 0=[)

Kurt Naiker- hes a great big black guy, prolly like 320 lbs, an he sings in the choir. Hes funny as shit, hes always waaaay fucked-up but he gets a lot of leads. Everyone loves Kurt. Hes just as amusing as Chris Lee is, only more often lol. Kurt fuckin rox man!

Matt Coleman- thats Kurt's bess fren, he just got his job at Pinnacle back, he was fired at some point. He's messed up just as often as Kurt is, prolly cause they come in together most of the time cuz Kurt doesn't have a car. Chris Lee always yells at Matt for wearing his mother's night-gowns to work. lol he doesn't rele wear his mama's night gowns he just wears rele long shirts cuz hes G, even though hes caucasion...

Heejin- Besides me an Jo, Heejin is the only chick, shes usually kinda quiet and everyone picks on her cuz shes just fun to pick on! Heejin and Jason Grimes are an item...we're not sure what kind of item yet, but an item none-the-less!\

Isaac- He's the Jew, kinda weird but he also tends to get more leads than some of us. He's acctually pritty damn cute, I canvassed with him and Nick Gale once an Chris Lee rolled up and told me an Isaac we looked like runway models walkin down the street together cuz Isaac is always sporting his button up shirts and his colour-tinted shades with his hair all gel'd up. I had my blue button up shirt on that day so it all made sence when he said it. Crazy prep Jew lol

How the fuck do you spell gel'd???

Ryan Bourke- Deffiantly one of the girliest guys I've ever met that isn't gay. And he deffiantly is NOT gay, I know cuz we dated until he got himself on house arrest by his father! He's not too bright but he's a really good canvasser too. He's deffiantly sexy! And he drives like 160mph for no apparent reason, but hes hella fun an I love him! Yea but besides these kids people have been rollin in an out since I got there. So rele besides all the new kids, all thats left is me...

Paul Wortman- Hes a lot newer than I am but he has a lot more leads than I do all together I think. He's makin big bucks. Hes also incredibley cute! Everyne thinks hes kinda shy and doesn't talk a lot but thats SO not true, if its just you and him you can't rele get him to shut up lol. Hes a lotta fun

I rele love my job

its way better than Shadowland

the ppl there were dicks and the boss was on my ass about EVERYTHING

I felt like even though I was killin myself workin rele hard I could never be up to his standards.

But Chris Lee is deffiantly more understanding and when we do something wrong he'll explain how to do it rather than just screaming to do it right.

Not only that, but at Pinnacle I acctually know when I'm doing a good job and I feel like I'm accomplishing something.

When I get a good lead I feel awsome and I'm more encouraged to get more.

For some reason other kids get all pissed or w/e when someone else gets a lead.

I just feel proud, like Chris Lee says we're a team we should be happy!

Besides if someone else got one theres hope for me too!

I rele want to see how like Jason Grimes or Paul or Chris A. get all these leads in a night.

I feel like I could be doing better and I wanna get new techniques.

Wow I talk alot

lol IM DONE!

Thats my job y'all you should look into a career there!
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