SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! *does the squirrel-squeee-dance*
Andreas Kofler won the 4 Hills Tournament and Kate iz happy. I'm very proud of mah pretty Austrian boys. *cuddles them all* I was a bit nervous for them but it turned out great! Morgi is still the cutest little puppy ever and I want to keep staring into Loitzl's eyes for all eternity. And the best bit is always how they are so incredibly happy for each other's success too. It just warms my heart! :) Though I have to say, their coach is still the hottest of all. Rawr.
(Left to right: Kofler, Morgi, Loitzl - because I know you were all dying to know. :P)
Ohohoh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand my darling Ahonen is back from retirement this season and he got second in the Tournament and I'm so very proud of him and he VERY NEARLY ALMOST SMILED!!!! Is hell going to freeze over or something?
Also, remind me never EVER to watch ski jumping with my mum again. "Oh God this is terrible, none of the Austrian boys will win, they won't even be on the podium, none of them, they will all make tiny jumps and they will lose terribly, all of them, omg I can't take this, why must Amman and Ahonen be so good, oh the poor boys, look even the coach is so worried, oh I can't take this anymore, oh please please please I don't want Amman to win, Kofler needs to win because he just deserves it and Morgi is sweet and please please, oh this is terrible, I can't even watch..." O_o They ended up winning places 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 today and 1, 3, 4, 6, 8 in the overall rating. Yeah...
She's so going to hate me when we're watching the Olympic Games because I'm going to be rooting for Ahonen to win gold because that's the only thing he never got and he's ooooooooold now (33, what? for a ski jumper he's bloody old - and still the hottest, just saying) so this is his last chance. *lower lip wobbles* I adore my Austrian boys but they are still young, they'll have their chance yet for more, he won't.
Btw, how do you know you're getting old? If the sportsmen you adore are getting younger and younger. It's bloody frustrating. I remember being 16 and seeing Morgi on TV for the first time he competed with the adults and I was flailing like mad bc we were of the same age and I found that hilarious. Now I'm 23 and Schlieri is already younger than me and that's just weird.
ANNNNNYWAY, sorry for spamming your flists with hotness, life iz cruel. :P