Sep 28, 2011 20:34
Hi again, yeah so I've been really bad at being online lately.
Things were getting better then worse then better again with my grandfather. He was really weak after the op but getting better each day. Then around Sunday he got really confused, like never before. He had weird delusions, for example that I joined some kind of religious fanatic group or something - which under other circumstances, for example if it had been a dream and not a trick of his mind would have been hilarious. Mum got really upset about that whole thing, it wore her down almost most than when he was physically unwell.
Now these delusions are gone, he was back to normal by Tuesday but now the doctor says he needs another operation. See, they were trying to save his knee but it turns out there's not enough bloodflow there either so now they have to operate again tomorrow.
It seems like we're back to square one, having to go through all this again, but I refuse to see it like that. He is in much better physical state now than last week because that excruciating pain from his leg has been gone and he got all sorts of good stuff there at the hospital to make him stronger. So I'm somewhat less scared of tomorrow's op than the previous one. Let's hope he'll make it again. *fingers crossed real tight*
I miss being online but I'm just constantly exhausted. I have to dash now, it's my job to cook dinner. :) Squirrel kisses all around.
life and other disasters