So at the urging of a friend I just signed up for
Twitter, because clearly I need yet another online-updating thing to neglect. You know, as if I didn't already have multiple blogs and Facebook and Picasa photo albums that I allow to languish for months at a time. Twitter is cute, and I can see how it's useful for some people, but I'm not sure how much I'll use it. My life is certainly not so exciting at the moment to need five-minute updates.
Except I do have some exciting news: I got into grad school - at Northwestern! And Missouri! And Boston! I began applying to schools in November to get my master's in journalism, and now I have only Columbia and Maryland still to hear from. Northwestern and Missouri have two of the top journalism programs in the country (the third is Columbia), so it truly is stupendous news. I am excited to hear from the others and what they have to say. Making a final decision will be tough; at the moment it could be any one of them.