I Will Take Your Thoughts Away

Jan 03, 2018 21:48

I spent money today, but it was--mostly--justified purchases. Diet Coke, which is a necessity, shaving gel, which...I mean, I don't know how to shave without it, and I'm not at the level where shaving is optional (::shudder::), and birthday cards. I may get to the point where birthday cards are too much of a luxury, but not yet.

Dieting went super well today--I got hungry around 4 o'clock, but managed to hang on until I got home to dinner. It helps that most of the holiday treats are out of the office, so there's nothing to tempt me. I feel a little empty again now, but 1) I'm about to go to bed, 2) that's to be expected (and will fade the longer I stick to this) and 3) tomorrow's a cheat day anyway.

I got on track with my cleaning, too. I love dusting my china hutch; I'm not terribly domestic, but I'm exceedingly nostalgic, and it belonged to my great-grandmother. I dusted the bureau in my bedroom, too. I even added jojoba oil to my conditioner for the next time I wash my hair. AND I started my (and Dad's) car(s), because it's so cold--I didn't think mine would start, because I haven't driven it since Christmas Day and it's been *so* freezing the past few days, but it started with only the slightest of protests. (Mental note: I really need to get that passenger side mirror fixed soonest. But it's SO COLD!)

And today was boxing day in WiiFit, which is my favorite of the exercises. I'm not as sore as I thought I would be, considering yesterday was Day One and I did the most strenuous exercises. Though I did feel stiffer when I did my stretches afterwards; I didn't have that weird hip thing happen (thank goodness) but it was definitely more of a struggle to reach. I still can't touch my forehead to my knee, which is frustrating.

But I even did my little post-workout beauty regimen, which is such a little pick-me-up. I'm out of my pore refining cream, but I have an almost unused Macy's gift certificate that Grandpa gave me, not even for my last birthday but the one before that, so I can use that without it counting against my "no spending" resolution. I just have to find time and get up the gumption to go get it--it's SO COLD!

Still a third icon I could remake. The princess dress charmedseed made me is so gorgeous, but when my weight fluctuates up, let's just say my cups runneth over. But I've gotten some really fantastic pictures in it, particularly 1) the first event I wore it for, NDK, and 2) when I dyed my hair black and got pictures with my crows.
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