LJ Idol 11 - Week 14 - Barn Raising

Feb 20, 2020 09:04

Now for something a little different. This is a Round Robin story. The topic lent itself to finding a helping hand, so I did what any self-respecting, intelligent member of today’s society would do and consulted my Facebook friends. Four of them answered the call, and I present the following story, written by Annie (that’s me), Sarah (a former LJ ( Read more... )

fiction, ljidol, season 11, round robin, week 14

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n3m3sis43 February 21 2020, 15:51:23 UTC
This was such a creative way to use the prompt!

I know I already told you this, but I love the way you ended this piece. It was so much fun being a guest writer with you. Thanks for letting me be a part of your piece this week. <3


n3m3sis43 February 21 2020, 15:52:31 UTC
(I made theun4givables guess which part was my contribution and they got it within one line, lol)


theun4givables February 21 2020, 20:08:41 UTC
I did because I'm ridiculous like that ahahaha.


sunouttomorrow February 21 2020, 20:21:05 UTC
That is just awesome!! :)


sunouttomorrow February 21 2020, 20:20:33 UTC
Thank you again for contributing. It's always a bit of a scary prospect to hand a story off to someone, but you guys all came through with perfect progressions.


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