LJ Idol 11 - Week 14 - Barn Raising

Feb 20, 2020 09:04

Now for something a little different. This is a Round Robin story. The topic lent itself to finding a helping hand, so I did what any self-respecting, intelligent member of today’s society would do and consulted my Facebook friends. Four of them answered the call, and I present the following story, written by Annie (that’s me), Sarah (a former LJ Idol contestant), Stephanie, Rosemary, and Cindy (three of my cousins). (If you would like to know where the contributions occurred, ask in the comments and I will tell.)

Monty and Penelope hadn’t known each other long before they moved in together, much to both their family and friends’ chagrin.  Theirs hadn’t even really been a whirlwind romance. It was more of a connection of convenience and coincidence. Both their leases were up within days of each other and finding something affordable proved quite the task on their own. But together, find something they did. The two-bedroom apartment was convenient to both their jobs and in a decent neighborhood with a great walkability score, which they both loved.

Lost in thought at work one day, six months down the road, Penelope had an epiphany. She realized that while the apartment was just what she was needing, the relationship felt more like a friendship rather than…more…and oh how she wanted a relationship that was more. Now, how to have that conversation with Monty?

As Penelope was leaving work that day, her phone rang. Not recognizing the number, she tentatively said “Hello?”

“Is this Penelope Sanders?” the deep, serious sounding voice replied.

“Yes, how can I help you?”

“This is the metro police department, Montague Harper asked us to contact you. He has been involved in an accident and was hit by a car. He is in route to City Medical Center with serious injuries via ambulance. He was conscious and talking.”

Penelope froze in the middle of the sidewalk. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I am on my way.”

Penelope was wracked with guilt as the yellow cab made its way to the hospital. Was this her doing she wondered? No, no she shook her head. This was not her fault. The cab pulled up to the emergency room entrance. She braced herself for what she was going to see, not knowing if Monty was seriously injured.

Penelope walked up to the nurse at the desk. Nurse Jen was having a heck of a day and snapped as this nervous woman asked her about Montague Harper. Jen said, “I just told you that your boyfriend is fine, and we will call you back when he can have visitors!” Penelope was confused. She spoke calmly and replied “Ma’am I’ve just arrived and haven’t asked you about Monty. Surely you are mistaken?” Jen looked up and it was as if she was seeing double. She pointed to a dark-haired woman behind Penelope, telling her that woman just asked about him as well.

Penelope was no longer focused on Monty. She needed to know who this woman was and why she was looking for her boyfriend.

Penelope tip-toed up to the woman. She wasn’t sure how to approach her. When all of a sudden Jen said, “Who is Penelope Sanders?” They both swung around and she ran to the counter where Jen was standing. “I am Penelope Sanders! Is Montague Harper going to be ok?”

“Yes, he is. He would like to see you.”

“I am so glad to hear he is going to be ok.” Penelope told Jen as she was escorted to the room that Monty was staying in.

When Penelope arrived in the room Monty was lying on a bed with nurses surrounding him. Her heart sunk just watching him. Penelope went over to Monty’s bed and held his hand.

“Monty...” She trailed off, uncertain of what to say.

Should she ask him about the other woman in the waiting room? The question was on the tip of her tongue, but guilt stopped it from rolling off. Perhaps it was better to wait until he’d recovered before confronting him about why this complete stranger had claimed to be his girlfriend.

Penelope cleared her throat and spoke again. “I’m so glad you’re going to be --”

Shouts arose from the hallway, cutting Penelope off before she could finish her sentence.

“You can’t go back there!” a familiar voice cried out.

The door to Monty’s room rattled loudly as something - or someone, Penelope thought - slammed against it. She glanced toward it, alarm bells jangling in her head. The door flew open and the dark-haired woman from the waiting area burst through it, calling Monty’s name.

Nurse Jen rushed in behind her. “I told you ma’am, you can’t be in here!”

“And I told you, I’ve every right to be here.” The other woman turned to face Nurse Jen, her eyes blazing. “He asked for me himself. I’m Penelope Sanders, not this - this --” She fumbled for words for a moment, pausing to glare at Penelope. “Not this... impostor!”

“I’m no impostor!” Penelope shouted. “I have identification in my purse. You’re the impostor!” she pointed at her doppelganger accusingly.

“No, Penelope. I’m not,” came the quiet response. “I’m the one who loves. You are the one who was afraid to love.”

Penelope stared at her in confusion, and suddenly everything started to make sense. Love Penelope slowly faded to gossamer and disappeared. Everything went bright white and Penelope was no longer in the hospital room with Monty.

A few days later, Monty woke to beeping machines, dim lighting and an extremely sore throat.

“Where am I?” he croaked.

Nurse Jen turned to him, surprise on her face, “You’re in the hospital, Mr. Harper. There was a terrible accident.”

“Penelope…where’s Penelope?” he whispered.

“Actually, there were two accidents,” Jen looked at the floor. “You were hit by a car. Penelope was rushing to the hospital to see you. In her hurry, she didn’t even see the bus until it was too late. I’m sorry, we tried everything we could, but she didn’t make it.”

Three months later, after extensive rehab and physical therapy, Monty was finally at home in the apartment he had shared with Penelope.

Sitting on his bed, he opened the dark blue velvet jewelry box to reveal the necklace he had purchased the day before the accident. Inside was a gold key, studded with diamonds and emeralds. He was going to tell Penelope that he wanted more, that he wanted a long term, committed relationship. He was going to give her the key to his heart since she already had the key to his home.

Monty closed the box and placed it back in his drawer. Then he wept.

fiction, ljidol, season 11, round robin, week 14

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