OMG an update!

May 10, 2008 13:43

can it be?
an update after so long?
my LJ tells me that it has been 41 weeks since i last wrote anything. so i have a lot of catching up to do.
the last update i made was about shifting to wollongong.
and this update will be about another shift.
i have resolved to be better at writing in my lj because i would like to keep in touch with people that are on here and who i hardly get to speak to/spend time with. its my own fault for being lame and work-a-holic like.
the next shift i am making is to melbourne. i am very excited and very sad at the same time *and also a little bit gassy but that is another matter altogether*. after 11 glorious months living on the south coast looks like its time to move even further south. i have been offered a lecturing position at deakin uni. it is continuing. so as far as i'm concerned i can stay there till i drop dead or retire *whichever comes first*
its kind of surreal because this has happened very early in my academic career when i should be moving from one shit contract to another. but the institute where i will work at deakin has taken a punt on me and decided they will trust me. who knows whether it will work out for them?
i went to the place on thursday and i loved it. i was kind of wondering if i would hate it and i could just run back into my comfy life here - but i loved it. the melbourne air was chilly and ROBUST and the institute was warm and welcoming. quite a contrast to wollongong really.
looks like we will be shifting in july. and trying to find houses in the meantime. shifting inter-state is a bitch.
stu goes to the beijing olympics in august. comes back and tries to find a job in melbourne so we can be together again *swoon*
we get married in december!
see i told you i had a lot to tell you.
i will try and be regular like a bowel movement and write more often. and also reply to you more often. but if i don't its not because i hate you *although i probably do* but only because i am lazy busy.
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