I hate Maya

Feb 24, 2010 22:28

The semester is in full swing now. I feel kinda borderline overwhelmed with everything, i may be slightly oversheduled, it seems like Im barely getting my projects done in time.
A large part of that is me not getting proper access to the maya lab- which i need to do my 3d modeling homework. Most of the day there are classes going on so i have to wait until the evening to work on assignments. This isnt a problem on weekends but when I only have between monday and Wednesday to finish a project all of a sudden i have only one night available to do about 7 to 12 hours of homework. I wish i could work from home but crappy computer + $5000 program = fail. I need to get a hacked version and pray it works. My last computer blew up b/c of a bad maya virus.
On the brightside Vis Dev is super awesome. I love the assignment (we are doing a post apocalyptic future) and i love the freedom. It is so different from my class last semester when i sought validation from a teacher who would never give it. I still suck but at least im sucking less with every project.

I opted out of internships this summer, i will be too busy with wedding, plus i don't think i'm ready yet.

Just got the Hazards of Love by Decemberists- awesome album, seriously! Oh, and went to Epica concert last week at Slims in SF. They were great in concert and the singer just as beautiful.
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