Posting two versions of this seems appropriate

Jun 09, 2007 22:47

I wrote two versions of the same idea, in a long(er) and a short version, and now I'm almost more interested in the differences between the two versions than in the idea itself. Cutting something down from 277 words to 100 words changed the story radically, for all that they appear similar superficially. The different implications you get when you leave things out - and the even more different implications when you say something completely different because it takes fewer words! This is not to say that word count alone determined my choices; it just got me thinking of all sorts of interesting alternatives, some of which I incorporated into the short version. (I'll stop before I get too deeply into meta-mode here.)

This is one of those weird, feral bunnies which leaps up out of nowhere and bites you. Sort of like in Monty Python. I mean, I haven't even read the Dark Nest trilogy (or past Book 2 of the NJO, actually...), let alone any of the Legacy books, so why on Earth would I want to write post-Sacrifice anything? But here it is. Consider yourself warned: this may not know canon if it met canon on the street.

And yes, I realize this wouldn't solve all of the Expanded Universe's problems. A girl can dream.

A Weighty Decision
Fandom: Star Wars EU (Disclaimer)
Categories: Gen, PG, Drama
Word Count: 277
Summary: Han and Leia resort to desperate measures to fix the Darth Jacen problem. Like "Two Roads Diverged," but not. And longer.

The events on Kavan broke them at last. Han had thought he knew what it felt like to hit bottom. He hadn't.

"Sometimes I wonder if there's anything worth saving anymore," he finally said, and Leia agreed, lost behind the shadows around her eyes. Han's cynicism said nothing they'd ever done had made a damn bit of difference, either.

"Maybe..." Leia said, staring out into the indecipherable blur of hyperspace. "I don't know that it would help, even if it worked...".

Han figured they couldn't make things worse. He held Leia's hand as she settled into a deep Force trance.
* * *
Leia realized she hadn't even seen a baby in at least six years, let alone considered what having one would be like. After a year of marriage and innumerable tabloid rumors about impending motherhood, it was getting hard to dodge the issue. But all the items on her mental list of pros and cons ("pro: conform to social norms, continue Royal House of Alderaan; con: risk conflict with Han, continue House of Vader") concerned external pressures, not her own feelings on children.

She felt she had reached a crossroads. She sat silently through dinner one night, trying to imagine small children around the table with her and Han.

Deep inside her mind, something said, Why?

"I don't think I want children," she burst out.

Han stared at her for a moment, abandoning his nerf steak half-cut. Then he grinned. "That's a relief. Neither do I."

She felt lighter, freer, having made the decision. They could always change their minds later. But for now, they would enjoy their time together as the galaxy slowly moved toward peace.

Two Roads Diverged
Fandom: Star Wars EU (Disclaimer)
Categories: Gen, PG, Drama
Word Count: 100
Summary: Han and Leia resort to desperate measures to fix the Darth Jacen problem. Like "A Weighty Decision," but not. And shorter.

Jacen's fall broke them at last.

"Sometimes I wonder anything we ever did made a damn bit of difference," Han finally said.

"Maybe..." Leia whispered. "I don't know that it would help, even if it worked...".

Han figured they couldn't make things worse. He held her hand as she entered a Force trance.
* * *
A year after marrying Han, Leia brooded all through dinner. Something clicked, and the long-repressed thought burst out: "I don't want children."

Han started. Then he grinned. "That's a relief. Neither do I."

They sometimes wondered about the path not chosen, but rarely regretted their choice.

And now, because I might as well use this feature while I have it, poll time!


star wars, fiction, drabbles, poll, han solo, 100 words, leia organa, writing, star wars: eu

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