What's new pussy cat?

Sep 25, 2006 18:30

Today I was sleeping at Dave's place, when I woke up to the sound of him going "pssst" and what I could have sworn was a cat. I got up and open the door and there was a cute siamese bobtailed kitty running around the apartment. Dave left the door open because it was so nice out today and he said the kitty just wandered in. The cat being a cat explored the place and rubbed against our legs and meowed and let us pet him for a good while. We sat on the couch and watched him and finally he came over and made biscuits on the couch and took a nap between us. When he woke up he sniffed around a little while longer and then left. How cute is that to take a kitty nap with a random sweet kitty? He has to belong to someone b/c he was so healthy and friendly, plus he smelled like a house. I wonder whose kittiy he was... I have to say that made my week, if not my month!
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