WHO: Richard, OT Lisa
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: UC Sunnydale bookstore
WHY: Well, why not?
HOW: Uncomfortably
Lisa glanced at her book list, and sighed. Why were books so expensive? It wasn't like they were accurate. She couldn't wait to graduate, and write her own.
Richard was picking up his books, and browsing for anything else that looked interesting.
Lisa sighed at the person that was standing in front of a book that she needed. "I need that book, and you're in my way."
Richard froze at the sound of her voice. "You increasingly remind me of that girl from the movie about the chocolate factory," Richard said with a smirk.
"Not you again." Lisa sighed "And I'm not Veruca Salt."
"Yes, that's the one," Richard said, and smirked.
"Why do you smirk so much? It's annoying."
"I don't, usually. You bring it out in me. Which book, now? Underwater Basket Weaving 101?" He reached for it.
"That's the book you need." Lisa said "I need 'The Cold War And After' "
"Yes, and if it was 1995, I'd be ecstatic," Richard said.
"It's a 1999 version of the book, and it's on my text book list" Lisa looked annoyed
"It's not very forward thinking. I wrote a report on it last semester."
"Well, tell my professor that." Lisa said
"Anyway, I don't need the book. You were wrong on that point."
"Well, you sure act like a pansy." Lisa said "And pansies weave baskets."
"A ... what?" Richard laughed. "Well, if you've resorted to namecalling, clearly you've lost the argument."
"I'm name calling because I don't know your name." Lisa said "So, you're pansy. And you look like you would like to know how to weave baskets, unless you already know... Tell me, pansy. Can you eave a basket?"
"You're mentally ill," Richard decided, and moved around her towards the cash register.
"Hey, I'm not done with you." Lisa followed along... and got a glance at the books he was carrying "Poli Sci major?"
"If you must know, yes," Richard said.
Lisa held up the books that she was going to purchase.
" ... Lovely," Richard said.
"Why, yes. I am."
Richard made a face. "This means we'll have classes together."
"Obviously. From the books that you have, I think we're sharing most of our classes."
"I'm sure this will be an interesting semster."
"It'll be fun." Lisa said "Because my grades will be better than yours."
"In your dreams."
"In my dreams you would be weaving baskets." Lisa said "Baskets for my books and anything else I need them for."
"Seriously, seek professional help. I think there are school psychologists available, free of charge." He paid for his books with plastic.
Lisa rolled her eyes at the plastic. "I know that I'm a brat, and I'm proud of it."
Lisa paid for her books using her school account.
"It's nice that you're good at something, anyway," Richard said.
"Are you saying that I'm not good at anything?" Lisa asked "What are you good at? Showing up in the wrong places?"
"Yes, I almost made that my major, and then I decided working in high levels of government would be more suited to my natural abilities."
"Give me a fake smile." Lisa said
Richard did. It was surprisingly convincing. Yes, she'd buy a used car from this guy.
"Ok, that works. How's this?" Lisa smiled, and suddenly, she looked trustworthy. She'd obviously worked on her fake smile.
" ... who are you and what did you do with the creepy chick?" Richard asked.
"I'm Elisabeth Marcoux. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Richard Ludwig von Bayern Charmanter-Prinz."
"How are you enjoying this fine country so far, Sir Richard?" Yes, this was a completely different Lisa.
"It takes getting used to, but it's not completely terrible."
"I think that all citizens of the United States have trouble getting used to things here, so you are not alone. If I can be of any assistance to you, please, let me know."
Richard chuckled. "I see a bright future for you as Ambassador to Albania."
"Albania? I'm not going to stop there, Ricky." Lisa was back to her normal self.
"Let's hope you're never given access to the Big Red Button."
"I wouldn't press it for fun." Lisa replied "Besides, I would end up dying too."
"There's a bright side to everything, isn't there?"
"Yeah. You'd die too."
Richard laughed. "So, Albania it is."
"Why Albania?" asked Lisa
"Because it's out of the way."
"You could, you know, say that I'm going to be the mayor of some tiny town in the midwest. They never get anywhere."
"Yes, but then you'd still stand a chance of getting appointed to something bigger."
"No, I wouldn't" Lisa said "If I became Mayor of my hometown, the closest I would get to the governors office would be if I went on a tour."
"Unless someone, heaven forbid, thought you were doing a good job, and appointed you to attorney general or something."
"So, you think I would do a good job?" Lisa smirked
Richard just laughed.
The cashier sighed. "Uh- you guys are blocking other customers."
"Sorry, excuse me." Richard headed outside.
Lisa headed out too. Stupid cashier.
"See you in class?" Lisa asked, "I hope that we have debate together. I like winning."
"I hope we have a debate together," Richard said. "I like proving you wrong."
"And I like proving to to you that you aren't always right."
"More often than you," Richard said. "Not that that's saying much ... "
"Actually, you're making an assumption based on limited encounters, so, you are wrong."
"You'll have to prove that." Richard stowed his books and put on his helmet.
"And I will. Effortlessly." Lisa smirked "I didn't need money and privlege to get into college."
"Neither did I, those are just bonuses," Richard smirked.
"You used plastic to pay for your books, you drive an expensive scooter, and you have an aristocratic name. I'm sure if your name was Richard Petrov and if you needed a full ride scholarship, it would be a little harder for you to get into this school. I was valedictorian of my high school, class president, and perfect ACT and SAT scores. That's hard to top, I know. I'm not including all of my other activities."
"Then it's a good thing I'm not trying to top it. I passed on Harvard and MIT to go here, because the weather seemed more agreeable."
"I have family here." Lisa said "And I have an aversion to rich frat boys."
"If I see any, I'll be sure they give you a wide berth," Richard said, and kick-started his bike.
"I wish." Lisa shook her head "See you around, Ricky."
Lisa walked the same direction, before realzing bike dude was headed there too. She cursed her fate.