Who: Juice, Kyle, Sam, Anna, Eva, Warren, Nica
Where: Sid's
When: Monday Night
Sam was at Sid's, still in a twitchy mood from the previous night.
Kyle was also at Sid's, eating a chicken sandwich.
Juice was sitting with Kyle and munching chickenly goodness.
"So yeah, then he was all like, let me see those pictures..." Juice said, explaining what had happened earlier. "So I hope she totally gets kicked out."
Ann a was just sitting there, being quiet
"Me too." Kyle nodded. "So what are you gonna do?"
"Well, I have to bow out either way, 'cause I promised Mr. Welch I would," Juice said.
Eva headed into Sid's, and sat in a booth by the window. She checked her watch, and frowned
"Does that mean we get to keep the stuff?" Kyle asked.
"I think so," Juice said.
Warren slipped into the diner, looking particularly cranky and muttering something about pizza.
Warren noticed Anna, and wandered over that way. "Hey, Anna? I've got a stupid question for you. Mind indulging me?"
"Yeah? What is it, Warren?" asked Anna
"You know how you and some of the other folk in town run around late at night, beating the crap out of That Which Needs The Crap Beaten Out Of It?" Warren began.
"Which if you ask me, means we won," Juice said. "I want to be at the Sunset with you on Requiem night anyhow."
"Yeah, what about it? Someone in trouble?" Anna hoped not... but if someone was in trouble, she might get to kill something
"Not exactly. But have you or they ever considered getting a job as a pizza deliveryperson?" Warren continued. "Because apparently, they have a high probability of attracting boogeymen, which is why they don't deliver to half the town during evening hours."
"You have to figure that'd be an easy way to find trouble -- just look for the calls to weird addresses like warehouses and abandoned buildings, or whatever. Eh. Sorry, I'm in a bad mood because I was refused on a delivery order, and I was just wondering whether anyone'd ever tried that," Warren concluded.
"Tips really aren't good enough to make that job worth while." said Anna "Why don't you get to know a pizza guy, and see if he can let his friends know you aren't the pizza man roach motel?"
" ... or you could learn to make pizza," Sam suggested.
"Meh. Me and cooking are like lubricant and soap. They don't go well together," Warren said.
Sam tried to wrap her head around that concept.
"Soap chemicals bind to oils," Warren explained. "That's how soap cleans your skin -- it binds to the oils, removing them and any dirt that's attached to them from your body."
"Anyhow. Yeah, I need to befriend a pizza driver that actually works at night or something," Warren concluded, disgruntledly. "Or figure out a mechanized pizza cooking device, but considering I have no idea how to stuff pizza crusts..."
"That's more than I wanted to know on the topic," Sam said, "but thank you."
"Do you need a ride to a pizza place?" asked Anna
Warren shrugged. "They cover this stuff in chemistry - you'll learn it sooner or later. Nah, I'm just going to eat here."
After a moment, Warren added, "Incidentally, have you talked to Gwen lately?"
Anna shook her head. "...Should I be looking for her? I know she does her own thing... but do you think somethings happened?"
" ... I'm not sure. I haven't seen a lot of her lately, and the last time we talked I sort of upset her, so it could just be that she's avoiding me like an infectious disease," Warren said, with a shrug. "But I'd still like to make sure she isn't dead or doing something really stupid or whatever."
"I'll try to find her." Anna said "I hope nothings happened... why does shit always happen this time of year?"
"Because this is the time of year when people are stupid?" Warren answered rhetorically. "Fuck, I don't know."
Juice was proving that it was the stupid time of the year by trying to see how many french fries he could fit in his nose.
"Ok... I can't look for her tonight, but I'll start looking tomorrow." Anna said "How can I reach you with news? Cell phone? School?"
Warren eyed Juice. "Hold that thought. Look behind you. Evidence that this is the stupid time of year."
"So how many is that?" Kyle asked, watching with a sort of horrified fascination. Or perhaps a bemused 'should I do something?'
Anna glanced at Juice. "Juice... Do you really want to be in the ER for getting a french ry stuck up your nose?"
"Actually, that sounds almost cool. Mostly because it's not me," Kyle commented.
"Ffffhteen," Juice said.
Kyle was not helping. After all, if Juice didn't occasionally go to the hospital, he'd never learn.
"Anyhow." Warren shook his head. "Do you use email?"
"Yeah... I have email." Anna scribbled her email address on a napkin "Whats yours?"
"Either admin@meerkatindustries.com or mayalucca@meerkatindustries.com," Warren answered.
"Ok, cool." Anna nodded, and wrote it down "I'll email you. She's probably fine... Gwen is pretty good at taking care of herself."
"Owrrr, issh stffk," Juice said, gesticulating at his nose where the fries had become lodged.
"Probably. But this is Sunnydale, so..." Warren shrugged. "She's sort of on a few hit lists, and I get worried."
"What hitlists?" Anna asked
"Mostly some evil lawyers," Warren said.
"Shit." Anna frowned "I'm going to have to call it in, then. This is the second person that I know of that they're after."
Someone that looked to be about Sam's age headed into the diner, and sat at the counter. He wasn't looking at Sam...
"Heh. It's kind of a long story, but I'd rather tell it another time when there's less people around," Warren said.
"Blow your nose?" Kyle suggested.
Juice blew his nose hard, spattering fries and fry bits all over the table
"... you should have used a napkin," Kyle added, looking vaguely disgusted.
"Oh, yeah," Juice said. "That probably would have helped."
"Well, if they're after her." Anna began "We need to find her. They're really hardcore." she got out her cell phone
Warren muttered, "I'm glad he's gay. That means less chance that he'll actually impregnate someone and spread his genetic material."
"But, yeah. I'm guessing you understand why I'm worried," Warren said, "and want to make sure she's okay and is just avoiding me because I'm an asshole."
Sam squirmed. "I hope she's okay."
Juice cleaned up the table with a couple of napkins. "That was pretty awesome. And now the inside of my nose is salty."
"Me too," Warren said, sighing a bit.
"You've got nose slugs," Kyle commented.
"Hopefully she is just avoiding you." said Anna, dialing "Hey, V.... yeah, at Sid's. Hey, Evil lawyers are after Gwen Morrison too... yeah. Gwen."
"Gwen Morrisson ... where do I know that name from? She an SIT?" Vito asked, writing in his pocket notebook.
"Yeah." Anna said "Blonde chick."
Juice blew his nose, just to clear any remaining debris out of it. "I wonder what the record for having fries up your nose is?"
"We could find out. We could call the Guinness record people or something," Kyle said.
"Okay. I'll let the other Servators know, too," Vito said. "Are they after her in the sense that she should be worried, or in the sense that you just saw her running down the street bein' chased by guys in expensive suits with briefcases?"
Vito was, in fact, at the bar in the Sunset, grading papers.
"One of her friends came to me, concerned." Anna said "And apparently, they're after her."
Tina was eavesdropping, and scribbled a note asking Vito if Wolfram and Hart got Gwen.
Warren settled down at the table - for once, not specifically to ogle breasts. Then again, he wasn't wearing his special sunglasses anyhow.
Vito glanced at the note, shook his head, held up a hand in the universal sign for, "Hang on a sec'." "Okay, so she's probably okay. Who's her Servator?"
Anna wasn't really dressed to be ogled "Wesley Pryce."
"Okay, I'll be sure he knows," Vito said. "Anything else I need to know?"
"Yeah, I might have a talent here," Juice said. "Maybe I should practice."
"I'll let you know more later." said Anna
"All right. Talk to you soon," Vito said.
"Find out what the record is first," Kyle advised.
"Yeah." Anna said "I'll call you in a few." She hung up
Vito turned to Tina. "Yeah, Wolfram and Hart are looking for Gwen, but they haven't found her," Vito said.
"Good idea," Juice said. He petted Kyle's hair.
"Thanks," Warren said. "Probably nothing, but I don't think Jon or Andrew have seen her more recently than I have either, so..."
Tina looked worried, and wrote 'They'll kill her if they find her'
"It's no problem." said Anna "She'll be fine, and hopefully these lawyers will get the clue, and go to hell, or something."
Kyle grinned and looked content.
"Hope so. Heh, as I said, long story, and one that shouldn't be discussed in a diner." Warren made a vague grimace.
"We can talk any time." said Anna "Lunch tomorrow sound good? I'm supposed to be doing cheerleading crap for homecoming, but I really don't give a shit about it."
Warren nodded. "Sure."
"Love you," Juice said, kissing his ear.
"Love you too," Kyle said, grinning.
The boy flicked a note over to Sam.
Warren ducked. "What the heck?"
Sam frowned and opened the note, making no attempt at stealth.
"Are you ready for the Requiem?" Juice asked, knowing that was soon.
"No," Kyle answered.
The boy smirked, and headed out, rather quickly.
Sam crumpled up the note. "Asshole!" she shouted at him as he left.
"What was that?" Warren inquired.
"Is that Tim? Do I need to find him, and kick his ass?" asked Anna
"That's not Tim," Sam said firmly. "But feel free to kick his ass." She handed the note to Anna.
"Do you want me to work that night and help you? I totally can," Juice said.
Anna's eyes narrowed. "It's a note to my sister. Telling her that I'm nothing but a ten dollar crack whore, and that she has the legs to get in the biz early."
Anna looked very angry. "If I go kick his ass now, I might REALY hurt him."
Warren looked bemused. "O... kay. The forces of evil are so thoroughly whipped that they're resorting to high school taunts?"
Anna nodded
"I think they're just ryng to make me crack.. or something."
"So their goal is to annoy you until you hire someone to dynamite their building?" Warren inquired.
"Hell if I know." Anna said "Unless they just want me to... give up." she frowned, and something clicked "Which I'm not going to do."
"Any chance that the dynamite option will ever be on the table?" Warren asked. "Just wondering."
"A big chance." said Anna "Especially if they keep pissing me off."
"That could be fun," Sam said.
Warren nodded. "Well, if you ever need it... and especially if you can ensure that the SCPD won't be too inclined to worry about it... let me know."
"I will." said Anna "And I can always use allies."
Warren nodded. "Likewise."
Warren finally flagged down a waitstaff person to order some food.
"What do you want?" asked the waitperson, who had the charisma of a trampled, used toothpick.
"Bacon, eggs, and orange juice," Warren said.
Eva gathered her things, and headed outside, before turning around and heading rght back in.
Nica headed in behind Eva's second entrance. " ... uh ... forget something?" she asked.
"Yeah." Eva nodded "And I never forget things." she frowned
"Weird," Nica said. "What'd youlose?"
"My purse." Eva frowned "My keys, ID, everything. I didn't realize I didn't have it, until I was out the door."
"So, you left your life on your table?" Nica asked.
"It was in the booth next to me." said Eva "I never put my purse on the table."
Eva headed over to her booth. Nothing was there.
" ... where?" Nica asked.
"Ok. This is impossible." Eva frowned. It was right here."
Nica peered over at the next table. " ... umm ... " Nica tugged on Eva's sleeve. The contents of Eva's purse were spread out on another table, in three rows of four items each. Alphabetized.
Eva just stared. "...This doesn't make any sense." she started shoving her things back in her purse
"Welcome to Sunnydale!" Nica said cheerfully.
"People keep saying that." Eva grumbled "Whenever something weird happens, I get a 'welcome to sunnydale!'"
"And what does that tell you about Sunnydale?" Nica asked, settling in a booth. " ... Take a few deep breaths, let me buy you a sundae. Relax. It's okay."
"It tells me that I should move." said Eva "But I've already paid tuition and no other school has accepted me... and I'm planning a trip to LA for the college."
Juice ws just lurking quietly with Kyle.
"So, you're going to UC Sunnydale? Not a bad school," Nica said. "Mortality rate aside. What are you doing in LA?"
Kyle was also being mellow. "I'm thinking a chocolate shake."
"Just a tourist trip." said Eva "Well, I'd plan it if things would stop moving around."
"Hm ... you have this problem a lot?" Nica asked. "Your stuff rearranging itself?"
"That sounds like a good plan," Juice said.
"It can't rearrange itself." said Eva "But yes. I've been misplacing a lot more things.'
"Maybe you need to find someone who can talk to ghosts," Nica said. "Or maybe you're unconsciously telekinetic."
"I'll just call the Ghostbusters." said Eva "Of course, they don't exist, so I guess I'll just have to be more careful."
Nica smiled. "There are people in this town who have been dealing with the weirdness all their lives," she said. "I can ask around for you."
Eva thought about that for a moment, when she looked at her napkin, which was mysteriously folded "Alright. So... a sundae, you said?"
"Hey Nica." Anna waved, because she could
"Heya!" Nica waved. "Yeah ... they make good ones here," she said, to Eva.
"Juice shoved 14 french fries up his nose." Anna said, before going back to hating evil law firms
"Fifteen," Juice called.
"Holy shit, is that a record?" Nica asked.
"I don't know! We're going to check," Juice said.
"Cool," Nica said. To Eva: "Juice and Kyle. Pretty decent guys. A little goofy. And that's Anna," she pointed. "And her sister Sam."
Eva nodded. "This seems like a nice, friendly place.'
"It ain't bad," Nica said.
"Why is he shoving more than a dozen fries up his nose?" asked Eva, after a moment
"Boredom, I think," Nica said.
"To see how many fit,"Juice said.
"He thought of it while we were eating," Kyle explained.
Warren just shook his head and muttered something.
"Okay." Eva nodded, wondering if Juice had any really bad head injuries
"Ok, well." Anna stood, and put some money on the table "Does anyone need a ride? I have stuff to do, and it's getting kind of late."
"Nah, my shop's right up the street and I plan on setting anything that gets in my way on fire with a flare to the throat," Warren assured.
Kyle grinned. "We've got a ride."
"A purple ride, right?" asked Anna
"Yeah. We hope so," Kyle agreed.
Sam collected her stuff and got up, behind Anna.
"Ok. I've got my phone. Call me if you need me." Anna waved, and walked out the door. She was most likely going to drop her sister off someplace safe, then go kill things
"Have fun stormin' the castle!" Nica caled after her.
Sam followed the Anna out the door.
Juice nodded.
"Have a good one," Juice said.
Eva watched quietly, trying to ignore the slowly growing pile of napkins beside her
Nica eyed the napkins. "I'll see if I can find someone to talk to you about that little issue really soon," she said.
Warren munched in silence.
"As long as I don't lose anything else important, I should be fine." said Eva
Nica smiled. "See? It ain't such a bad place, we got here."
"I'm still thinking of moving when the new semester starts." said Eva "If I can get into another school."
Nica shrugged. "Honestly? It's not that safe here."
"I gathered that when my classmates started going missing." Eva said "I can find cute guys anywhere. I just need to find another school that's around the same price as Sunnydale."
Warren called, "Try Utah."
"Utah is like Iowa." said Eva "But it's called Utah. And Iowa... it's... odd."
"They make good coleslaw," Nica said.
"Better than Michigan," Warren added.
"...Please, not Michigan." said Eva "I've heard really bad things about that."
"Kind of a wasteland," Nica said.
"Iowa is a wasteland." said Eva "It's just.. towns in the middle of nowhere, with people that have no reason to live there."
"No, thanks," Nica said. "I like living near stores and cafes and stuff."
"They have stores." Eva said "It's just... different. "
"It's Sunnydale, with no crime, a high death rate, and no cable."