Who: Tina, Anna, Nica, Sam, Katie, Ming, Michael
Where: The Sunset Club
When: Friday night
Tina sat at a table in Sunset, snacking on grapes, and reading a book. She didn't want to go HERE, but some girl at the Bronze was being mean to everyone, and this was the only other club she knew.
Anna headed in, her budget for October in hand for final approval. She'd run into a little trouble outside, but it had been easily taken care of.
Nica dropped into an open seat at Tina's table. "Heya, sweetie. Haven't seen you in ages. How're you?"
Sam was following Anna, with her violin case and backpack. She wore a lot of black ... she may have raided Nica's closet earlier in the evening.
"Um... Hi..." Tina waved "I'm okay, I guess."
"Cool. So, what's new?" Nica took out her tablet and started working on something.
Katie creeped down the stairs of the Sunset, looking like she was considering going right back out.
Ming was sitting at her and Michael's table, making a bracelet out of beads.
Nica saw Katie, and waved.
Michael was watching Ming, and spinning one of the beads like a top.
Katie noticed Nica, looked deeply relieved, and headed thataway.
"What colors do you want in your bracelet?" Ming asked.
"Heya, babe," Nica said to Katie. "How're you tonight? And ... wait. I don't think I've ever seen you in here before."
Tina looked like she wanted to disappear.
Anna waved to Michael and Ming
Ming waved back. "Hi Anna- want a bracelet?"
"Sure!" Anna smiled, and headed over to her friends.
"Hi, guys," Sam said, heading over to the Ming and Michael table, as well.
"You guys can't be mean to me." said Tina, quietly "I have grapes."
"I had an idea," Ming explained. "We can make braclets, and give them out to the people we want to invite to Requiem. No braclet, no entry," Ming said.
"Good idea." said Anna "But we need something special, so they can't be copied."
"I'm... um... no?" Katie answered, and settled into a seat. "But... Tina doesn't hang out at the Bronze."
"You do realize that since I own the place, I don't need a bracelet, right?" Michael commented.
"Our bracelets are just for practice," Ming said. "Because I haven't made them before."
"I work here." said Anna "And I'm your friend.. do I need a bracelet? I mean, I want one, but do I need one?"
"I'm trying to avoid you guys." said Tina, quietly
"I wouldn't be mean to you," Nica said to Tina. "And why are you avoiding us?"
"No, we don't need bracelets - but I want to practice before I start making ones for the event," Ming explained.
"Cool." Anna nodded "Need me to help you make them?"
"Because I screwed up with you guys." Tina explained
"No, you didn't," Nica said. "It was just a bad night. You set for grapes and stuff? I need snacks," Nica said, getting up. "Katie, you want anything?"
"You can if you want to," Ming said. She offered over some cord. "I have all kinds of different colors of beads, and ones with stuff on them, like these little skulls."
"It was a pretty bad night." agreed Tina "I thought you guys hate me."
"I don't. Do you?" Nica asked Katie.
"Ok, cool." Anna smiled, and took some cord and beads
"Um... no?" Katie shook her head.
"Well, then can I have something with black, red, and green?" Michael inquired.
"You can!" Ming said, smiling cutely and then settling in to make it.
"You don't?" asked TIna
Anna settled in to make a bracelet with skulls, and yellow beads.
"Nope," Nica said, and wandered off to the bar to get snacks.
Sam settled beside Anna.
"No, I don't hate you," Katie repeated.
"That's good." said Tina, softly "Sorry for avoiding you then,"
Ming also put a cute little smiling skull on Michael's bracelet.
"You were avoiding me?" Katie tilted her head.
"I thought everyone hated me, so I was avoiding everyone." Tina explained
"Oh." Katie frowned.
"But you guys don't hate me, so I don't have to avoid you anymore, right?" asked Tina "Well, you and Nica."
"Right," Katie nodded.
"Try this on," Ming instructed Michael, handing the bracelet over
Michael did so, checking it over. "Hmm, nice."
"Do you like this one?" asked Anna, showing a yellow and black bracelet to Ming. "I like green, but the yellow looked cooler with the skulls."
"That's cute," Ming said. "It's like an goth bumblebee."
"It needs a stinger," Michael observed.
Tina offered grapes to Katie.
"Hmm... It does." said Anna. She looked through the beads for something that could be a stinger.
Katie took a grape and munched. "So, what's playing at the theater, anyhow, do you know?"
Nica returned, bearing wings and drinks. She overheard that question, got wide-eyed, did a u-turn and went to sit with Anna and Michael.
Michael waved. "Hi, Nica."
"Heya," Nica said. "Wings?"
"Rush Hour." said Tina "It's a comedy... um, I know other stuff is playing, but I can't remember the titles."
"Hey Nica." said Anna "Don't mind if I do." She set the beads down, and grabbed a wing
"Thanks," Sam said, taking a wing as well.
"That dress works on you," Nica said. "Just give it back whenever."
Sam smiled. "Thanks."
"What's it about?" Katie asked.
Michael snagged a wing, bemused. "Why is it okay for women to share clothes, but not to wear the same outfits at the same time?"
"Two cop buddies that are ninjas, I think." said Tina "It looks funny."
"Silly, because we wouldn't fit," Nica said.
"Just one of those social rules," Sam said with a shrug.
"Ooh, wings," Ming said, and snagged one
"So, why the table switch?" asked Anna
"Have a specific day you want to go?" Katie asked.
Tina blinked for a second. "You still want to go out with me? Um... Saturday? Um, really?"
"Yeah," Katie nodded. "Afternoon sound good?"
"Because Tina stopped being stupid and Katie's setting up a date with her," Nica said.
"Yeah." said Tina "Thanks.
"Awww," Ming said. "That's cute."
"Yep!" Nica agreed.
"Heh heh, cool," Michael nodded.
"She hangs with Gwen." said Anna "But, hey. Whatever works."
"...Be right back." Anna frowned for a moment, then got up from the table, and went outside.
Anna returned much later, not so happy. She settled down, and grabbed a wing to munch.
"You look thrilled," Michael observed.
"Is there a reason why I can't kill Spike?" asked Anna "I mean, he's not dating Tamara anymore... and I think we should check out the biker chicks soon, and see what's up with that."
"Not really," Michael shrugged. "Why, is he doing something evil?"
Anna shook her head. "I just need something to focus on, and I ran into him when I went patrolling just now."
"I say we stake him," Ming said. "That bastard killed me."
She still hadn't gotten over that.
"Well, if he isn't doing anything wrong..." Michael commented.
"So..." Katie fidgeted. "What have you been up to?"
"I know." Anna grumbled "I just never really liked him."
"I made some new friends." said Tina "And just, stuff.. Not much, reeally. What about you?"
"Mostly just staying out of trouble and destressing," Katie replied.
"Well, yeah, I'm not entirely fond of him either," Michael said, "but I'm not fond of a lot of people and that doesn't give me an excuse to kill 'em all."
"But he's not a person." said Anna "But yeah, I get it."
"I think I'm just... off." Anna shook her head "Maybe I need to try meditating or something. Nothing's been quite right for me lately."
"You guys have a good night." Anna added
"What do you do for fun?" asked Tina
Michael nodded. "Careful out there."
Katie shrugged. "Mostly hang out, go for walks, watch TV... I'm sort of boring, I guess."
"I'm going by the cemetary, then home." Anna explained "I'll see you guys tomorrow."
"That's cool." Tina said "I'm not allowed to watch TV."
"Why not?" Katie asked.
Michael nodded again. "Alright." He leaned over and kissed Ming.
"Bad influence." said Tina "But I can watch movies and stuff, just not TV."
Ming kissed back, smiling a bit.
"So what'll we choose as our pattern for the official bracelets?" Michael asked.
"Movies, but not TV... huh." Katie mulled that.
"Black and red, with the little skull as a charm?" Ming suggested.
Michael nodded. "Alright, then - that sounds good. All darkness and chaos and whathaveyou."