Life's like an hourglass glued to the table.

Apr 03, 2005 12:30


My hand shot out before my eyes ever opened and began to smack the table next to my bed. "Must kill..." After knocking a bunch of things off onto the floor, I finally got the god-awful sound to stop. Who ever invented alarm clocks needed to be shot, or torn piece by piece until they...I stopped myself from finishing that thought and let my eyes flutter open. Okay, so I wasn't the greatest morning person to be around. Sue me. Grabbing the clock, I turned the green display towards me to look at the time. "7:45," it read as I stared with some disbelief. Okay so I got like a whole five hours of sleep. That wasn't too bad right? I moaned as i rolled onto my back and ran my fingers through my tangled mess of hair. This was going to be a long day, I could feel it.

Pushing myself out of bed, I made my way to the shower like the walking dead. Okay that really wasn't an accurate description because I happen to know that the dead walk around way more coherently that I was at the moment, but still. After a quick shower, I made my way over to my desk to check out my calender. Flipping through the pages, I let out a soft sigh of relief. Nothing big was going on today. Just classes and waiting for that familiar page from Walsh. Hopefully she'd at least give me a little time to catch a quick nap in the down time, but I doubted it. Pulling open one of the drawers, I grabbed my vitamins and popped them into my mouth, quickly washing it down with a gulp from my ever present bottle of water. The government must put caffeine or something in the mix, because they always seemed to give me the pick up I needed. Or maybe it was just being healthy that did it. Well whatever it was, I was glad to have it.

I made my way over to my closet and pulled on a pair of jeans and an off the shoulder bright teal top. Whoever said the 80s would never make a comeback was sadly mistaken. Not that I didn't love the style, because I did. Especially the long sleeves that practically covered your whole hand. I grinned as I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. Just like old times. I snatched up a hair tie and scooped up my hair into ponytail as I did one final scan of my room. Time to go rejoin the land of the living. Grabbing my bag, and taking one final look in the mirror, I decided I was ready. Not that I was all that concerned about my appearance, but a girl had to be somewhat presentable right? I mean who knows who she could run into or...I stopped myself before I let that thought go any further.

Pulling my door open, I headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Sisters were running about in towels and curlers and I couldn't help but smile to myself. This was the one normal and consistent thing I had going for me, besides school. Grabbing an apple, I was about to leave when one of the girls stopped me. "Hey Bailey, don't forget Rush Week is coming up," she said with a bounce in her voice. "Don't worry," I replied. "I've got it covered. We'll have new blood in no time." I gave her a wink, and she wandered off. Like I would forget about something as important as Rush Week. I laughed to myself as I made my way into the common room. I mean really now, I am like the calendar queen, and way too anal not to write everything down. Whoa, it's a good thing I'm the only one who could hear my thoughts, because I would never live down admitting to something like that.

Stopping in front of one of the desks, I pulled a drawer open to reveal a huge stack of pink and green flyers. "Could I please have everyone who is home come here for a sec?" At the sound of my voice, everyone within ear shot suddenly appeared before me. "As we all know Rush Week is just around the corner and that means it's time to lay on the charm and find us some new recruits." Funny how that made the sorority sound like the military. Hmm. Reaching into the drawer I pulled out the stacks of flyers and handed them off to the girls closest to me. "We've got hundreds of these things, so hand them out, tack them up and talk us up." I grinned as a soft laughter rolled over the crowd. "Let's just make sure we screen who we're recruiting a little bit better this year. We don't need another Mary Anderson repeat." Flashing a grin a tucked some flyers into my bag. "Okay, let's go get us some Freshmen!"

Before I had even made it through my second class, I had handed out about two dozen flyers and talked to just as many people. Hey, I could be a fantastic social butterfly when I wanted to be. Call it a hidden talent. Fortunately my final class of the day had been canceled so it gave me a little extra time to sit back and relax. Stopping to get an iced mocha at one of the carts, I made my way to find a nice sunny spot in the quad. I mean it was so nice out that I couldn't help but want to catch a little sun. Copping a squat on the grass, I fell back onto my arms and let the sun beat down on my face. Maybe it wasn't going to be such a bad day after all.

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