and the spaz of the night ...

Mar 05, 2005 00:26

So the bronze, with the Succubus getting taken away by students. Students at UC Sunnydale. As much as I wanted to just choke it all up to the Anya filter, I had to believe her it's not like she gave me any reason not to. My guess was the killing possible sexual parteners was a big reason for Anya to help out.

She decided to head home, which was Anya speak for 'Buffy your a spaz'. Which I pretty much just said alloud, and in front of Taylor. Who admittedly, I thought was the succubus. You have to give me credit though, both Xander and I thought she was. I mean with the dancing, ok so its the bronze and people dance but this girl was looking for action.

Need I even bring into light that she's my sister's new bestest friend. The one in MY room?!?! Ok, over it. Well not so much over it as moving on to other things, but I'm working on it. Maybe she's not a slutbag whose going to corrupt my sister, but since all I have to go on is predatoryish type dancing in the bronze, with the duel underageness and sneaking out. Not a great first half-impression.

I couldn't just go looking for a bunch of students with a blonde girl to track down the sex-fiend so I headed back to Xander and Charlie, or well Xander because Charlie had gone and done the goodbye thing. Xand looked really bummed, and I was going to bribe him with dancing and chocolate, but he got this look in his eye, already had chocolate in his hand and mumbled something about dreams or maybe a 'finally'. I let the weirdness slide and searched for Dawn, or maybe Will - but to no avail I was alone, again.

Big surprise there.

So instead of being the huge loser that I am out in public, I went on a quick patrol and headed home. Kathy, as usual, was asleep already and I had to tred lightly, I was so far in the mood for her glares and annoying voice. I pulled the covers up high around me and fell into a less than blissful sleep.

The next day I decided to seek Willow out. I was having major withdrawls and I just needed her, I missed her and I loved hanging out with Xander but girl talk without the toenail clippings? It was a must.

I knocked on her door and waited.

[open to Willow]
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