
Feb 18, 2005 03:15

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secretsdesired February 20 2005, 19:14:25 UTC
My mind was still swimming after the meeting with Walsh. I wasn't back nearly a month and I was already heading a mission. This was definitely going to be a good year. Or at least it was going to be a good one if I could pull off a clean mission. I leaned over and grabbed my purse off of the passenger seat and then glanced at the clock. The squad was supposed to assemble in front of the Bronze at 19:00 hours and it was only 6:45. I still had fifteen minutes until show time. I flipped down my visor and glanced in the mirror. Now this was definitely a new one for me. You know, being all dressed up in essentially club wear to take out a hostile. I pulled out my lip gloss and ran the tip over my lips, watching as they began to sparkle. Good thing I had no problem dressing up every now and then ( ... )


secretagent_guy February 20 2005, 19:26:20 UTC
I got over waiting for Ri and Graham to get ready and decided to bounce without them. At the rate Ri was going on about not heading the mission, we were never going to get out of there. The boy needs to learn when to chill and get the hell over himself. It's one damn mission with a hot succubus involved. I think he could let it slide for once ( ... )


initiative February 21 2005, 01:37:57 UTC
I had to admit, I was pretty surprised when Forrest took off without us. He'd been acting as though we weren't going to make it to the rendezvous point on time, when we had a good half and hour left to get there. I think Graham called him out spot-on. He was just in a rush to go see that ( ... )


agent_miller February 21 2005, 01:44:19 UTC
I couldn't help but to grin and shake my head as Riley and I approached Forrest and Agent Hayes. Forrest really didn't care who it was he moved in on so long as he was getting it somewhere, did he? I'd have to be sure to give him some hell for it later. I'm sure it must've rubbed Riley the wrong way, too. After all, that was his best friend moving in on his supposed 'arch-nemesis.' Should be interesting to see how he reacted to the whole scenario, anyway.

"You two seem to be getting pretty chum-y," I heard Riley address the two of them while I came up beside him. Glancing in his direction, all of the humor I'd previously found in the situation seemed to leave pretty quickly. Man, he wasn't seriously mad, was he? Forrest was just being Forrest. Surely he didn't expect anything less. Besides, he probably wasn't even flirting with her. Maybe. Rather than do nothing, and allow the scene to escalate, I decided to intervene then and there ( ... )


secretsdesired February 21 2005, 02:11:39 UTC
I was just about to glance down at my watch to check the time when Agents Finn and Miller walked up. You just have to love it when they show up on time. You know, maybe this mission wasn't going to be all that bad after all. I mean I have three rather attractive looking guys to keep tabs on and I could think of worst ways to spend my night.

Snapping my compact closed, I shoved it back into my purse and gave a light smile to both in hopes that any hard feelings were now forgotten. But the vibe I was getting from Riley was telling me otherwise. Why is it that guys can't see past their own egos? Well whatever. He can figure out what he's missing out on later. No wait, that came out all wrong.

"You two seem to be getting pretty chum-y."I tried hard not to laugh, really I did, but unfortunately it really wasn't working. And if there weren't so many civilians around I probably would have called him out on it. Instead I slipped my arm around Forrest and flashed one of my more dazzling smiles. "What can I say," I replied playfully. "He's ( ... )


secretagent_guy February 21 2005, 02:18:15 UTC
When Ri and Graham finally showed up, I gave them a big ol' grin. Okay so maybe I was trying to work a little magic with Hayes but you can't blame a guy for tryin'. Besides, she was looking way too fly for me not to.

"What can I say, He's like a fungus."

Whoa now, hold up. Did she just call me a fungus? Man if it wasn't for that wink she woulda been in a world of trouble with me later. 'Fungus,' hmph, what the hell is that about. I am way too fine to be compared to a fungus. I stood up and straightened out my shirt. Just gotta let it roll off like nothing.

"How do I look?" "Totally hot."

Wait a second, was Nicole checking her out? Oh man I could so die happy right now if they would just...

"Okay here's how it's going down. Forrest, Graham and Nicole, you're going in together. Riley, you're with me. All right people, let's do this."Damnit, torn from that fantasy like it was going out of style. I moved over to Nicole and slipped my arm around her back. "Come on beautiful, let's party." I flashed my smoothest smile as I began to ( ... )


agent_miller February 21 2005, 02:24:58 UTC
Once the tension had more or less been cleared, everyone seemed a bit more at ease. Everyone, of course, being myself and Agent Hayes. Forrest was probably too busy worrying about his own ego to notice, and Riley was still eminating those crazy making-things-akward vibes. He really needed to get over himself if we were going to make tonight's bag and tag successful.

"Okay here's how it's going down. Forrest, Graham and Nicole, you're going in together. Riley, you're with me. All right people, let's do this."

I was almost relieved to be paired up with the two lovebirds. It sure as hell beat sticking with the Ice Queen and Agent Hayes. Nothing he could do about it now, he was stuck with her. If Riley didn't ease up about the whole situation, then it might even jeopardize our mission.

"Come on beautiful, let's party." Forrest spoke up, as he wrapped his arm around Harper and started toward the club. "Oh yeah, Graham I guess you can come too." He continued, after pausing to glance back in my direction. Once again, I found myself ( ... )


initiative February 21 2005, 02:35:59 UTC
I watched as Forrest, Graham and Harper headed into the club, before turning my attention back to the inevitable. Agent Hayes was just watching me as though she expected me to speak up and say something. As much as I enjoyed the thought of doing just that, I wasn't willing to risk blowing our only cover. She was probably loving this. In fact, I was almost certain that she'd divied us up the way she did just so that she could rub it into my face that she had command of my team. Nevertheless, we still had an assignment to carry out, and I wasn't about to let personal feelings get in the way. The last thing I needed on my perfect record was a reprimand ( ... )


secretsdesired February 21 2005, 03:00:31 UTC
A light sigh of relief parted my lips when Riley finally took my arm. I mean I'm not hideous or anything so it couldn't have been that horrible, could it? I tried to shrug it off and put on my party face, and for the most part it worked. Well until I caught Riley's expression drop like his dog had just died. Ugh, this was going to be the longest night ever ( ... )


initiative February 21 2005, 07:07:37 UTC
Well, at least other people seemed to be enjoying themselves. I guess I could have been trying a little harder. I knew better than anybody how frustrating it could be heading a mission when one of your subordinates didn't fall in line. Hayes pulled me through the crowd of people and over toward the bar. Unfortunately, tonight I'd be playing the part of the boyfriend. We had a cover to keep, after all. She returned a few minutes later, shoved a beer into my hand, before grabbing my wrist and tugging me to a much more remote area within the club. At least she had no problems taking charge.

"Just sip it or we're going to blow this." What was I supposed to do, argue? She really shouldn't have purchased an alcoholic beverage on assignment, but then it might have come off as slightly suspicious if I were the only guy in here over twenty-one still drinking a coke. I did as she had suggested, and took a small sip from the beer as she moved in closer and addressed me in a much quieter tone.

"Look, I have no intention on taking the Alpha ( ... )


summoned_sex February 21 2005, 07:54:52 UTC
I was getting bored. There was too much choice, and not enough challenge here. I would dance for a while, grind against them, get them going and toss them aside. I was getting a reputation as a tease yet they still hung around. Like flies on a corpse. My mind flashed to Parker. I wondered if someone had found him yet. All clutching his chest like I had stabbed him or something. Which just wasn't my style.

After I shoved the seventh guy off me for trying to get a bit too fresh with me I glanced around the room trying to find a challenge. Of course it didn't help when they were all coming towards me. However my eyes darted as I saw someone headed my way. He seemed not like the usual trappings I would get. He seemed strong. Confident. Not someone that needed an ego stroke. Maybe he needed a different kind of stroke. I could help with that. Maybe it was that he wasn't like all the others that had flocked to me... but there was something that I liked about him.

"Mind if I cut in?""Not at all." I shoved the louse off of me and let my hand ( ... )


secretsdesired February 21 2005, 08:20:16 UTC
When Riley took off it took everything ounce of self control I had within my being not to smack myself. I mean hello, succubus! Quickly I shoved the device into my purse and followed after him, being sure to keep a few feet behind so I didn't mess up whatever it was he had planned. But deep down I knew this wasn't a good idea. I mean men are drawn to her for a reason right? Why would Riley be able to resist her charms or whatever the hell she had? Besides, I didn't think she was that cute anyway ( ... )


initiative February 22 2005, 02:37:55 UTC
"Well I guess she won't be hitting on any more boyfriends now will she?"

Bailey's voice was the first coherent thing I could remember. I shook my head, everything seemed a little cloudy. Glancing to my left, I noticed Forrest and Graham handle the crowd control. Lying on the pavement not too far away from where everyone had been standing was .. wait, that girl was the succubus, wasn't she? What the hell had just happened?

"How was that for getting it done?" Bailey's voice sounded again. This time, she was sporting a grin that I know was meant to rub it in. Not that I didn't deserve it. Everything seemed to be falling back into place. The club, the succubus. Even my diving in head-first when I should have known better. Still, didn't mean I had to like the fact that she'd been able to get one up on me. I suppose a little friendly competition never hurt anyone, though. Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled out an Initiative issued cellphone, and held it out toward Hayes ( ... )


secretsdesired February 22 2005, 03:15:18 UTC
I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when it took Riley a little while to come around. I mean my right hook was one thing, but what ever that succubus was packing had to have been carrying one hell of a punch. It was kind of cute though, Riley looking all dazed. No wait, I shouldn't be thinking about that right now. Bad Bailey.

I watched as he pulled the cell from his back pocket. "You wanna call it in?" My brow quirked as he offered it to me. Huh, I wonder what else he had under those clothes. No wait, in his clothes.! Oh god. Okay so when did my mind end up in the gutter like it was going out of style? Okay, just got to breathe and keep acting cool. Piece of cake right? Yeah right ( ... )


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