Things I've learnt today...

Mar 06, 2010 15:41

  1.  I've been hoarding clothes that either don't fit, don't suit or, quite simply, don't make sense. Most of these garments were bought when I had rock-bottom confidence and enough adolescent pessimism to believe that baggy, 3/4 length camoflaged cargo pants were cool. Such items have now been discarded of...much to Ben's amusement. 
  2. My first attempt at making Red Velvet Cake was an lovely heaping of epic fail. Things started out well but it soon became apparent I'd been a bit too light-handed with the red food colouring, on top of that it was in the oven for the allotted time and then some, yet it still boasted a salmonella riddled liquid centre by the looks of it. Why do I manage to cook things with liquid centres? How? If I ever make Chocolate Puddings, I can guarantee they'll have a rock-hard middle...'cos life is cruel like that.
  3. My pile of ironing is never as bad as it looks. I get lazy, I neglect my ironing pile and it grows and grows. Then I don't want to do it because it's too much and it just keeps growing. Eventually, I knuckle down and twenty minutes later its done. 
  4. Cream Cheese frosting is easier to make than you'd think - and it tastes nice too!


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