What the heck, Meme - Take 2

Mar 05, 2010 09:52

From derengelisrafel

New House
The legals on the new house were supposed to be done by today, but it looks like the Housing Corp Solicitors are dragging their feet for some reason, but that kinda shizz happens I guess. I really can't wait to move in - I guess I'm just so freaking sick of where we are know. It's cold, damp, dingy, nothing matches with anything and there's a crazy lady next door who thinks playing rap at 11pm is a-okay with everyone in the street. The new house arrangement makes me feel scarily grown up. I felt mature researching contents insurance, but home ownership? Jeez, I'm aging fast. The other day I actually used the phrase "he's looking good for his age...". But yes, new house of course means new housewarming party. Just a heads up :P

I love cooking. I really got into cooking proper meals in my second year, with the help of that floppy haired teenage chef, Sam Stern. Bless his love of gratuitous, non-explicit crotch-shots...I think being together with Ben also helped nudge me towards cooking, as cooking with someone is infinetly more fun than doing it alone. We started off with the basics, like doing a straightforward tomato based pasta sauce before working our way up to more 'complex' dishes. We've now got quite the repetoire - curries, pastas, pies, pizzas, noodles, stews, soups etc. I've made some really daft mistakes as a cook though but Iove telling people about them (I'm the kinda person whose so happy poking fun at myself, my fingers get sore) - like that disasterous Yorkshire Pudding I made that was like a cake...with a liquid centre. Or that time I made curry and rice...and rice...and rice...and Oh God, so much rice. Making mistakes just adds to the fun for me...although, my Moth cakes at my birthday party seemed to go down okay, given they were entirely wrong.

My life really does have a soundtrack. I get a little testy without music. If I'm on public transport without music, I go a little unhinged - I start leaning towards people with MP3 players, hoping to hear a few lyrics or a drum-beat. I've got a very eclectic music collection, ranging from unadulterated rock to intelligent Hip-Hop (Ugly Duckling - have a listen, you'll see what I mean). I do love Funk though, as evidenced by yesterdays post on Edwin Starr. I've not been to a gig in ages, which makes me sad. The last concert was The Temptations back in Oct 08, so I think I'm well overdue for a concert. There are certain bands I just love the hell out of - probably my all time favourite band, in terms of consistency of performance and talent, has got to be Barenaked Ladies. I bloody love them - they've got a wonderful range of song styles and their very fun to listen to. I'm glad I got to see them live before Steve Page left the band...*sniff*

I day-dream a lot. Like an awful let. More so since Paul McKenna told me to during hypnotism. My day-dreams are quite simplistic though - often it's just me in a sharp suit, strutting around being...Lawyery. Ideally, I'd love to bag myself a training contract with a Liverpool firm (either ERM or someone else), do wonders on my LPC, and really prove myself as a Lawyer. The more thought I give to it, the more inclined I am to go into Family Law - yes it's under-resourced, under-funded, under-paid and rife with bureaucracy and red-tape...but that's part of the allure. As cliched as it may sound I want to make a difference. Believe it or not I didn't choose this career for the money - I did it because I'm fascinated by words and arguments. I love them both and it really grabs me the way both are so easily manipulable, if you've got the right skills. When asked, I always so I don't know what bit of Law I want to specialise in yet, something might tickle my fancy and lo-and-behold, I'm a construction lawyer or whatever. I'd quite like to become a partner though, but that's a long way down the line. Judge Hooton? Possibly.

Not as good as Liverpool, if you ask me. I'm still fond of Manchester, how could I not be, it was my home for so long. But...Liverpool is so much better for me. It might that I've got more freedom here, more friends...I don't know. I never really felt like I fitted in in Manchester, whereas Liverpool can be so friendly and inviting. If pushed, I'd take a job in Manchester as I'd gladly commute for nearly 2 hours a day for a decent legal job, but I'd live in Liverpool. There's a saying that Liverpool looks towards Manchester, and Manchester looks towards London. Now I like London but I can find it very cold and little clinical. It seems that between all the tourist attractions and the glamour of the metropolis, someone forget to tell people that they're allowed to like each other. Gross generalisation I know, but Manchester has no adopted that mentality. It's become so hip, it's snobby. True, you still find your pockets of Northern Warmth, but for the most part Manchester is turning it's nose up at everything it used to be - the music scene has been traded in for clubs that desperately try to replicate the infamous Hacienda nightclub, resulting in really loud, really bad music with overpriced lukewarm drinks. People still talk about The Smiths as if they were actually a decent bad, Oasis is worshiped a little too much to be healthy and talented bands like James are forgotten about entirely till they release a greatest hits album. Oh dear.


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