Jun 26, 2008 02:06
I have a cousin that has a very sheltered life. I have been trying to help her out but anytime I get to a subject that she doesn't want to hear she cries and begs me not to tell her that. I hate sugar coating the truth and most people that know me knows that. Well after about a year of going through a lot of bullshit, fighting with Lenny, and everything else we have been through I have had enough. I emailed her "boyfriend" and told him to stop jerking her around.
Now she is mad at me and that is fine. She told me she called my mom and told on me. I asked her what the fuck she expected that to acheive? Not only do I have a damaged relationship with my mom (to say the least) but I am a 32 year old woman that hasn't lived or answered toy mom since I was 16 when she fucking left me hanging and moved in with her boyfriend. My cousin lost her mind saying I went behind her back to just cause a fight between them. She called and tested all day long. Spewing things she made out of things I have said. After all the help I have done for her to make her life better and has forced me into her life said she felt real childish for ever talking to me. That pissed me off like you would not beleive. No one else wants to help her learn the life skills she needs or even rePly talk to her cause they don't have the patients for the drama.
Then my mom calls me after she gets home and given the above mentioned relationship I am ready to fight. Much to my surprise my mom is on my side. She asks me (my mom is a demand type of person) to think about being the bigger person and apologize to my cousin for not checking with her first of some small shit excuse to make her stop going bat shit crazy and harassing the whole family especlly my mom. I told her I would talk to my cousin and think about apologizing for "causing trouble". My mom said that after talking to my cousin 10 times tells me that she isn't mad at me anymore. Which my response is big fucking deal. I answer the next phone call from my cousin and she has balls to demand that I apologize to her "boyfriend" that she hasn't talked to or seen for more than a week or two after saying she was sorry if she caused trouble before today. I told her that he can file charges against her for stalking and she will go to jail. I told her you never go to someone's work to "take care of things". As usual she only heard what she wanted to. She called me at 3am because of this bullshit. She has been calling me every god damn morning. Its aways the same old shit.
Don't get me wrong I love helping family. I love teachingu cousin how to deal with this as an adult but I don't do demands. I will not cut and copy things not for her. I will not apologize for taking a stand for family. I did not get all the info but I would do it again in a heartbeat.
She has got my blood boiling so much I would drive up north to pull her head out of her ass and drive the rest of the way to MI to shove her head up her dad's ass and tell him to do what he would have done when he was ignoring my cousin to chase pussy that wanted nothing to do with the family he had already. Some people shouldn't have kids and my mom and that asshole are a few that come to mind!