minun kuntoni menee paremmin = kuntoni on (jo) parempi/minulla on (jo) parempi olo minulla ei ole kuume enää = minulla ei ole enää kuumeTTA(the placing of enää isn't that necessary, it just sounds better that way :>) mulla on vielä pääkipu ja kaulakipu = mulla on vielä pää- ja kurkkukipua/päätä(ni) särkee vielä ja kurkku(kin) on kipeä haluasiin juhla = haluaisin juhlia minulla on aika nyt = minulla on nyt aikaa kokea = koetta referaatti = referaatin kirjoitan virheitä = teen virheitä
Most of those aren't that necessary, they just sound much better that way. I don't wanna ruin your fun by whining about such little things, but if you insist, I can of course tell you how to impress those things more fluently.
wtf 3 years? I thought something like, erm, 5-6 years :D
And don't worry, your Finnish is awesome :) Of course there're always something not-so-perfectly-right, but I'm really impressed :D
How long have you been studying Finnish?
Ps. kaulakipu = kurkkukipu :))
if there are mistakes please tell me which they are and how I could correct them :)
I have been studying finnish for 3 years, at university. I feel my skills in finnish are still pretty low. sigh sigh.
minulla ei ole kuume enää = minulla ei ole enää kuumeTTA(the placing of enää isn't that necessary, it just sounds better that way :>)
mulla on vielä pääkipu ja kaulakipu = mulla on vielä pää- ja kurkkukipua/päätä(ni) särkee vielä ja kurkku(kin) on kipeä
haluasiin juhla = haluaisin juhlia
minulla on aika nyt = minulla on nyt aikaa
kokea = koetta
referaatti = referaatin
kirjoitan virheitä = teen virheitä
Most of those aren't that necessary, they just sound much better that way. I don't wanna ruin your fun by whining about such little things, but if you insist, I can of course tell you how to impress those things more fluently.
wtf 3 years? I thought something like, erm, 5-6 years :D
You have been so kind <3 *kisses*
Now I correct the errors.
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