I'm busy, busy, frightfully busy!

Jul 29, 2009 09:04

*sings* ~you've no i-dea what i have to do~ Ahhhh, Veggie Tales. :)

Today is a insanely busy day for me. I wish it was busy because of a job interview or something cool like that, but no. I dropped my mom off at work this morning so I could use her Jeep to drive to Austin, so I could pick up my 17yr old cousin from the airport. She's flying in from Illinois by herself for our big family get together at my grandparent's house this weekend and I was tasked with fetching her. When I get back from Austin, I have to pick up my mom from work and we're driving cross town to do a ton of grocery shopping at the commissary on base (yaaaaay, no sales tax) for the family thing. Then, tonight I have to bake roughly a billion peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and prep all the stuff for me to make potato salad and deviled eggs tomorrow. *whew*

At some point during all this, I really need to catch a nap. I only slept about 2 hours total last night because I spent half the night staring at my ceiling and the other half watching Volcano. Lavaaaaaaa in Los Angeleeeeeeeees! I always forget that Ann Heche is so pretty. I also spent a good portion of last night listening to David Bowie. I really love the mid 70's-early 80's Bowie. :D

This entry was completely and totally pointless, hehe. Oops?
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