(no subject)

Jul 26, 2009 16:27

So, I might have maybe woken up this morning and thought it was Monday? Maybe?

I desperately need employment, lol.

On the other hand, not working is giving me ample time to surf awesome blogs like CakeWrecks. The lady that writes the blog is a judge for this year's Threadcakes Competition, a cake decoration contest where the entries are cakes decorated to look like Threadless t-shirts! If you have some free time, you should definitely check that shit out. Some of the entries are hot messes, but holy shit. Some of them are AMAZING!!!!! I just came across this one, and I'm amazed.

They're cupcakes!! I only wish I could decorate cakes like these people. It's absolutely fantastic and cake makes people happy. :D

Here's some of my favorites so far!

That is just plain cool. I wonder if Duff from Charm City cakes would enter a cake, or if it's only for amateur bakers?


Whoa, this one is AWESOME!!! The detail on all those animals is crazy! :D

I also want this shirt DESPERATELY!

I've seen a lot of attempts at that particular shirt, but this one is the best I've seen so far. So cute!

Also, Bones makes me happy. I'm about 6 episodes into season 4 and I'm feeling better about the whole Zack thing. He didn't actually, physically kill a person, he was just an accessory, which is bad enough, but not so bad as I had thought. *whew*
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