I am still here....

Apr 24, 2008 14:26

Every time I think I am going to get better at this updating game, I mess it up. Life has been hectic to say the least. There are 3 more weeks left of the semester, so that means there is nothing but finals and projects going on in my world. I am ready for the summer to be here. Oh wait...I don't have one of those. This summer will be my first taking a summer class. I know I should just enjoy my time off, but I am truly trying to get myself graduated. I am ready to begin my life as a teacher and to stop talking about it. At the end of May I am taking my PPST. I am a little nervous, but hope that I will do just fine. I am looking forward to working full time at KinderCare for the summer, even if it means having to change my room because I refuse to drive the bus.

I am meeting with my advisor today to discuss next year. I am thinking I may be able to complete all of my course work within the next two semesters if I take 1 or 2 summer classes next year. That way I will head into student teaching in fall of 09. It's all starting to become real to me. I am quite excited about it.

In KinderCare news. I am chairperson of the Scholastic Book Fair. Not really a whole lot to say there other than it is a bunch of work. Hopefully it will be profitable enough to get some new books in all of the classrooms as well as put a start in the new school library. We shall see. On top of being chairperson for the Scholastic Book Fair, I am also the chairperson for the March of Dimes. Yep, we are doing the March of Dimes in May. I love my job.

Jason is finally home for the next couple of weeks. It was really hard with him working third shift. We never really got time to see or talk with each other. Ernie needs surgery on his knee, and I'm not sure how we are going to pay for that because it is expensive.

I think that is all I have for now. I will try really hard to keep this updated better. For my school/education related blog go to http://lisamheid.blogspot.com that is all I have for now kiddos
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