8 gigs for free is a really sweet deal, even if it can't hold all your music. apple was really thinking when they decided to give away free ipods with macbooks for school, especially when they decided to make the Touch one of the options. i'm not saying they're not awesome -- i know a ton of people who have them and they all rave about them and told me i should get one because i'm looking to get a new ipod for christmas (i currently have an ipod MINI, 4gb and COMPLETELY filled). i decided to go against the touch for several reasons, one being the cost, and another being that i do not have an external harddrive and the regular ("classic") ipod can be used as one whereas the ipod touch can not. also with all the wifi capabilities the ipod touch has, i feel like i would spend even more time on the internet than i already do, especially at times when i don't usually have a computer available, like on vacations or while visiting relatives. my boyfriends little brother has the gmail application on his Touch and one day we were out doing something and his ipod started beeping because he had a new email and he immediately had to check it. seriously? i think it could have waited another half an hour til he was back at his computer.
oh, and for the record, i'm getting the new ipod nano 16 gb for christmas. plenty of space for my collection, enough extra room to back up My Documents, plus SWEET new features (genius, shake to shuffle, vertical to horizontal screen, etc.) and a badass neon color.
oh, and for the record, i'm getting the new ipod nano 16 gb for christmas. plenty of space for my collection, enough extra room to back up My Documents, plus SWEET new features (genius, shake to shuffle, vertical to horizontal screen, etc.) and a badass neon color.
what will apple think of next?
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