Last week the PBS TV show
NOW reported statistics on military rape and sexual assault. How about some support for our troops? No, really, how about it?
I don't particularly like it when people report statistics on sexual harrassment along with ones on rape, because it can tend to confuse people. In military terminology, according to NOW "Military Sexual Trauma" includes acts of harassment all the way through acts of rape. I'll make an unjustified assumption that NOW was careful with their editing, and that when they have Dr. Patricia Resick, a V.A. psychologist state, that 15% of women in the firts gulf war were raped (see
the show's transcript) they really mean rape.
Fifteen percent of women raped in a few months??! By fellow soldiers? You Go Girls! Join the military. Heck, with ROTC, the military might even pay for you to get rape training in the college fraternity/sorority system so you'll be used to it when you get raped under combat conditions later on.
I'm not being glibly sarcastic. I'm fucking furious. Why the fuck don't we train our men and boys not to rape?