Oct 05, 2004 00:12
Yay! I snuck online. Interims came in today, Mutti and Vati BOTH showed up to pick me up from play practice, which is a telltale sign that they're either pissed at me or we're going to the airport...
and we didn't go to the airport.
So yeah.
Hmmm... today was... not the best day ever. I had barely any of my work done, partially because Simon left some of it inside his igloo. I got a 50 on a history quiz and I'm sure I failed algebra. I was forced to go to a student council officers I fell down the stairs on the way back from French and scraped up my shins pretty bad... and THEN I got crapped on by a bird almost the second I sat down at the picnic table. As Riley would say "It was cute." But I found myself in a strangely good mood for some reason... wooooo...
Speaking of Riley and other Florida people... I'M COMING TO THE STATES THIS WEEKEND :D Yay! And... THE WEEKEND AFTER THAT! For HOOOOMECOMING! Wheeee!!! So I need a dress. And a date. And I couldn't even get a date when I WENT to LHPS. Any takers? (too bad Simon's scared of my parents...) But maybe I can seduce Logan into taking me during the Auburn fun this weekend ;) Watch out Logie! rawr! I kid, I kid. Wow. I think I need to go to bed.
Dawson- if you're reading this, there's an mp3 I need to beg you for... I miss you, by the way!
I miss Natasha too... hang in there, sweetie. <3
So yeah. Bed. Woooo.