Sleeping blues

Aug 21, 2007 23:08

Sleeping is still not really happening for me unfortunately, so although sometimes lack of sleep gives me more energy and my mind comes up with great ideas and plans, a build up over longer periods of time can lead to disaster. I haven't been like this in ages. It's not that I haven't slept at all-I have, but only reduced, disturbed quantities unfortunately.

I was at the doctor earlier for another reason and mentioned it to her along with other 'hypomanic' symptoms I've been having. She now wants me to come back in on Friday after consulting with a specialist registrar and perhaps prescribe something stronger to try and sort it all out. This scares me somewhat, as then I will probably go the other way and sleep for an entire week! Not good considering I am moving to Cheltenham next week and haven't even started packing yet!!!

I would prefer to take a more natural holistic approach myself, so drinking camomile tea now have sprinkled lots of lavender on my pillow. Earlier this evening, I went for a fast 40min jog around and around Peckham Rye to help tire me out a bit, but I think it energised me big time as i'm still feeling wide awake! However, I do reckon I sweated out  most of the weekend partying impurities, so that is good.

Peckham Rye Park

jogging, bipolar

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