Back to an empty house!!!!

Aug 03, 2007 12:23

When I came home last night, I knew one of my flatmates had already moved out, but I didn't think that lots of the house furniture would be gone as well!!!!

I had got a text off my landlord the other day requesting to take the big chest of drawers in my room this week. I called them back and basically said no. It is a big lovely wooden set of 6 drawers, which are full with the clothes I wear day to day so taking it away before I move out would be not be a good thing at all. They have bought a new house and are moving in this week, but they are now renting out their old house and selling this one to pay for the work they want done on the new one. And it looks like the need to furnish the old house.

So, when I came back, the bed from Maya's bedroom-gone, the couch-gone (we had 2-but the bigger one gone), the dining table and the 7 chairs-gone, all the cupboards in the living room-gone!!!

I am a bit upset....not that I normally use most of this furniture as I only used the dining table when people are over, but I was planning to have a bit of a small get-together in the house before I left. I was going to make lots of yummy pizza, Mia the vegetarian pizza and because I live far out, I invited people to stay over. So now we are down chairs and a table to sit around and 5 bed spaces as the couch was a combination of a mattress and a double futon and the spare double bed is gone!!!

Hmmmm....not good! Not happy! I am still paying rent here (ok 25% less for this month), but still I want all my comforts!!! Luckily I still have some blow up beds and spare cushions and that, so can still accomodate people staying over and we can just all sit on the floor or if the weather is nice, sit out in the garden!
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