Mar 09, 2010 09:42
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is an actual conversation in my house one saturday morning, between myself, my mom, and my little brother, Trey. In our defense, we have aboslutely NO carpet in our house, so we normally use a broom and mop. Written like a stage play. Enjoy.
The Epic of the Vacuum Cleaner
MOM and MEGAN are in the kitchen. MOM is loading dirty dishes into the top rack of the dishwasher, while MEGAN puts away the remaning clean dishes from the bottom rack. MOM turns to TREY, who is gamboling wildly through the kitchen and living room.
MOM: “Trey, can you bring me that…sucky thingy, the thing you use to suck stuff off the floor with, the--”
MEGAN: “The vacuum cleaner?”
MOM: “Yeah, that thing. Couldn’t think of the word. Pretty bad huh?”
(TREY runs out of the kitchen to MOM's room to find the sucky-uppy thingy.)
MEGAN: “Shows how much you use it.”
MOM: “Yeah, really.”
TREY (returning into the room): “I couldn’t find it.”
MOM: “Trey! It’s big and it’s red and you walk in my room and it’s right there!”
MEGAN: “Wow, you didn’t know what it was called, Trey didn’t know what it looked like,”
MOM: “And you didn’t even know we had one.”
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is modern housework in Sunny's house.