I've been insanely busy, okay?
Day 16: Tell about the happiest day of your life.
Hmmmmmm. I kind of hate questions like this. I don't know what the happiest day of my life is. There have been a lot of really happy days, hard to think of one incident that I would label as 'the happiest day of my life'. There are lots of big obvious things, like getting accepted into O'More (my college), and of course getting into Savannah College of Art and Design was really great, even though I didn't end up going there. I was thrilled the day I got my AP scores back, and getting the Art and French awards at the Senior Awards Ceremony back in high school was pretty cool. Prom both years was really fun. As was the fun I had with my friends on the Senior Trip.
The day I got my braces off is up there. XD The night "Crazy for You!" opened at school is definetely up there. That was the musical I costumed, and I was so excited and it was so thrilling to see all my hard work up there on the stage in front of a real audience, and to see the whole show come together just so magnificently.
I don't know that I would call any of those days 'the happiest day of my life', though. I was probably thinking that it was when it was happening. There've been some pretty awesome Christmases and birthdays, some really great days with friends.
And I can't forget my trips to France and Japan. Those are definetly close to the top.
Day 17: What inspires you?
What doesn't? I get inspired by little bits of everything, and sometimes its the most random little stuff that spark my brain or make me happy. I draw a lot of my inspiration for art from music, or rather, the synesthetic experiences I have with music. My synesthesia inspires me. My family inspires me, even as crazy and messed up as they all are. My friends too; I have some of the most wonderful friends in the universe, and not just my IRL friends. I have some really fantastic online friends, too. Of course I can't forget my Fanfiction.net following. I've got some of the most wonderful, sweet, kind people who follow my writings. I mentioned a little while ago that I'm going to write a book, and put up a poll asking if people thought they'd read it if it were to get published. I put four options: Yeah, No (got die in a fire), Maybe, and "No offence, but I'm really just here for the fanfiction." The last one being what I expected would probably be the overall response, with maybe a few "Maybe"s and a couple of "Yeah, definetly"s.
This is why I freaking love the internet: So far all of the responses I've got on the matter have been overwhelmingly positive and encouraging. So far "Yeah!" has been the only answer I've got on the poll, and in reviews on the two stories where I mentioned writing a book, people have said the kindest things about it. Mostly things like "Definetely do it! And tell us when you get it published so we can read it!" Seriously. I wasn't expecting this much support, but so far my "fans" (as I suppose you could call them, but really that sounds so pompous and impersonal) have been nothing short of supportive and encouraging.
It'll be a good long time before I have a finished book; it's still far from done and I plan on putting it through a ton of editing and proofreading to get it as perfect as possible before I even submit it to a publisher, and of course who knows if I'll even be able to get it published (although seeing the sucess of poorly written trash like "Twilight" gives me hope), but it is wonderful and inspring to know that if I were to get it published, I've got at least a small handful of people who'd want to read it.
Day 18: Something on your Dash that makes you happy.
Since this was Tumblr challenge, I'm guessing that a 'Dash' must be some kind of Tumblr thing. So I can't do this one. How about another kind of Dash?
Day 19: Something you found while searching 'Love' on Google.
Actually I'm going to do something slightly differently, and that is promote
hystory's Love Is... series on devART. It's this absolutely lovely little series of sweet simple comics about Love that he does for and of him and his girlfriend, and they are just so adorable. They're so simple, both in concept and in style (CUTE simple chibis), but they are just beautiful in how much they say about the nature of love and about how he feels about his girlfriend. They often contrast what something is like when it's just you versus what that something is like when it comes to the person you love. My favorites are
Love is...Patience and
Love is...Courage.