Title: Unvoiced. Unheard. Unloved.
sunflower_petal Pairings: Ryeomin (Kim Ryeowook/Lee Sungmin), Henwook (Kim Ryeowook/Henry Lau) with very subtle so subtle that it's almost non-existent hints of Sungsung (Kim Jongwoon/Lee Sungmin).
Fandom: Super Junior
Genre: kind of AU. Angst.
A/N: This was written for
gay_lovecompany , with the OT3 Sungwookry and the prompt whips. Um, a lot of people probably would've made this into a sex!fic, but I just couldn't do that. It's not really a Sungwookry and is more of a Ryeomin, but the main point is that I tried.♥
Those beautiful, precious memories are enough to keep you going. To keep you fighting, because goodness knows, you'll need to keep on fighting for you to survive.
Yesung liked to send him pictures and videos perhaps to make him jealous of Ryeowook in that far-away place. Ryeowook never really told Sungmin why he was leaving, or in fact why he wasn't taking Sungmin with him, but not even a month after he had left, Yesung had alerted him of a special new friendship. He was happy, at first, that Ryeowook had so easily made a new friend, but when he heard that it was a cuter, younger boy by the name of Henry, he felt a crack form on his heart. The first time he saw a picture of Ryeowook and his new friend together, Sungmin couldn't help but cry.
You catch yourself day-dreaming about things in the past and how things have progressed into the present. You find yourself wondering what the future will bring, and if this jealousy will eventually subside.
It was in his nature to act cute. The pink clothes and that bright smile, those twinkling eyes... he couldn't help being that way. But when a little monster called Envy came calling, he would happily take his frustrations out on himself. I'm not good enough for him, so I'm not allowed to feel this way. The cracking of a whip against flesh and small whimpers were frequent sounds that came out of his bedroom. He lived by himself at least, now he did so there was no one to bother him. Ryeowook's bedroom is left untouched, and the cobwebs build up around the walls.
It was hard for you to leave him behind, but you knew it was for the best. You needed to grow as a person, and being with him... well let's just say that he accepted you so much, that you had no desire to change for fear of hurting him. At least now, you could let yourself evolve and grow and maybe one day he might accept you again.
Their feelings were left unsaid, but their unspoken love could be seen through their actions. A gentle squeeze of the hand and a loving gaze were all that they needed. Sungmin regretted not voicing his feelings. Maybe if he had said those words, I love you, then maybe Ryeowook would have stayed... and not have moved on.
His hand feels different and unfamiliar in your own. It doesn't feel like the comfortable and warm that you're used to and it's times like this when you miss him. You regret leaving, sometimes you feel as though you want to go back to how things were; but your new partner is clingy and you just couldn't bear to disappoint him. Um, Henry, you're holding on too tight. Your phone lays untouched except for when you get the occasional message from a mutual friend of yours - Yesung - and you know how much he wanted Sungmin for himself. You obligingly send him couple-y photos of yourself with the younger boy because you know Yesung will show Sungmin, and when he did, his heart would break and life could move on. It's what's best for all of you.
05:42. Sungmin stared at the watch on his wrist. Only three more hours until he would be able to claim his true love. Only three more hours until he is met with even more pain and rejection and the scars on his back and his body would reopen to form fresh new wounds. Only three more hours until his heart is completely torn apart. It's only then that he'll realise that the whip is his only friend.